The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 05.31.23 (Concentrated Punditry Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho I am most of the way home, spending a couple of nights at the Stratosphere (like McCarran Airport, I refuse to use the new name) to decompress and relax a bit before my appointment with the VA tomorrow morning and the drive back to Tonopah on Friday. I spent a lot […]

Visit Exciting Lowndes County!

Look, I’m not saying that every day in Lowndes County, Georgia, is filled with thrilling automotive stunts, but last week, one Florida driver passing through really gave ’em a show on Highway 84: It looks like a scene straight out of the “Dukes of Hazzard.” A wild video captured the moment a driver hit a […]

How White Is @TizzyEnt?

Film editor and social-media SJW Michael McWhorter (@TizzyEnt on Twitter) “can safely be described as white as a debutante’s taint,” in the immortal words of Jeff Goldstein, and the excellence of that phrasing was sufficient to call my attention to a story I’ve been trying to ignore for more than a week, the “CitiBike Karen” […]

Chicago Group Hired Gangsters to Be ‘Peacekeepers’ and It’s Working Out Just About the Way You Might Expect

Remember when President Obama got elected and America’s public schools suddenly became excellent? No, you don’t remember that, because it never happened. The guy Obama appointed as Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan, is a Harvard-educated liberal who had previously been appointed by the Daley machine as Chief Executive Officer of Chicago Public Schools, where he […]

From the ‘Golden Age of Hollywood’ to the Bulls–t Age of Wokeness: A Brief History

You may not recognize that long-legged young bathing beauty, but she was one of Hollywood’s biggest stars back in the day when the movie business was run by men who knew how to make money by producing movies that people actually wanted to watch. Strangely enough, while many today would scoff at the old-fashioned capitalist […]

FMJRA 2.0: Take It Away, Harry

— compiled by Wombat-socho SOTD: You’re Breakin’ My Heart This year I arrived at Balticon for the first time since 2019 only to find that without a face panty, I couldn’t attend panels, enter the dealers room, or visit the art show. But hanging out in the consuite was fine! WTF, Balticon. I can’t breathe […]

CNN Warns of Weather ‘Misinformation’

When did the concern about “misinformation” arise? Why and how did the news media become obsessed with this paranoid fear — once mocked in a popular cartoon — that “someone is wrong on the Internet”? We can leave aside the etiology of the “misinformation” obsession (as I’m contemplating this as the subject of a future […]

Sixty Million Dollars Up in Smoke? (Yet Another Aspiring Rapper Update)

Before I explain why this post is illustrated with a photo of actor Stacy Keach, permit me to suggest that readers follow my Instagram page. While I don’t post much there except family photos and pictures of various meals I eat, the fact that I’ve got fewer than 400 followers on Instagram is a little […]

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