The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 05.31.23 (Concentrated Punditry Edition)

Posted on | May 31, 2023 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 05.31.23 (Concentrated Punditry Edition)

— compiled by Wombat-socho

I am most of the way home, spending a couple of nights at the Stratosphere (like McCarran Airport, I refuse to use the new name) to decompress and relax a bit before my appointment with the VA tomorrow morning and the drive back to Tonopah on Friday. I spent a lot of time hanging around Dulles yesterday because some plans fell through, but I was very tired and not in the mood to try and wade through several days of Feedly posts after being unable to do anything Tuesday because the wifi at the Days Inn in Fredneck failed me. So here’s a bunch of substackery and submitted stuff. Enjoy. Probably going to get caught up later tonight and tomorrow.
Silicon Valley delenda est.

Well, sugar, anyway.

Ninety Miles From Tyranny: The 90 Miles Mystery Box, Episode #2089
357 Magnum: “Indiana Jones & The Insufferable Feminist”, The Catch & Release Strategy Doesn’t Work In Criminal Justice, Texans Are Still Armed
Gab News: A Potent Weapon In The Culture War,

Baldilocks: The Lizard Eye, “I Screw Therefore I Am”, People Of The Lie
CDR Salamander: Make The Quad A Quint With A Center Square By 2035, Diversity Thursday, Fullbore Friday
Dana Loesch: DeSantis Broke Twitter, Gov. DeSantis Joins The Dana Show
Don Surber: Already Lying About Trump’s Second Term, T-Girls May Tip The Election, AP Dares Not Ask About Ukraine, and The Media Protects A Satanist
Glenn Reynolds: Is This The Real Life? Is this Just Fantasy?
Protein Wisdom Reborn: I’ve Got Your “White Fragility” Right Here, My Brother, The White Face Of Black Supremacy,

Amazon Warehouse Deals


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