The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

How White Is @TizzyEnt?

Posted on | May 29, 2023 | Comments Off on How White Is @TizzyEnt?

Film editor and social-media SJW Michael McWhorter (@TizzyEnt on Twitter) “can safely be described as white as a debutante’s taint,” in the immortal words of Jeff Goldstein, and the excellence of that phrasing was sufficient to call my attention to a story I’ve been trying to ignore for more than a week, the “CitiBike Karen” saga. The reason I’ve ignored it is because (a) there seems to be some confusion as to what actually happened and (b) I didn’t want to get into the difficult task of explaining how this bike-rental system operates. Also (c) everybody else was all over it and why jump on the social-media dogpile merely to duplicate their efforts? Anyway, here’s something of a summary:

[Sarah Jane] Comrie, a physician’s assistant at Bellevue Hospital, encountered a man on May 12 who claimed he paid for a Citi Bike that she said she had rented first. Part of the confrontation went viral on social media with more than 40 million views, which has since resulted in Comrie keeping out of the public eye, receiving death threats, and NYC Health + Hospitals placing her on leave after some people branded her a “Karen.” . . .
Lawyer Ben Crump, who has been involved in some of the most controversial racial cases in recent history, claimed in a now-deleted tweet that Comrie had tried to “steal” the bike.
“This is unacceptable! A white woman was caught on camera attempting to STEAL a Citi Bike from a young Black man in NYC,” Crump tweeted. “She grossly tried to weaponize her tears to paint this man as a threat. This is EXACTLY the type of behavior that has endangered so many Black men in the past!”
According to [Comrie’s lawyer Justin] Marino, the NYC healthcare professional had finished a 12-hour shift when she paid for the bike and removed it from its docking station, only to have the group approach her with one holding onto the handlebars, insisting it was his. One man allegedly pushed the bike back into its docking station, prompting the woman to call for help, Marino told The New York Post, adding that one of the men covered the bike’s QR code so the woman could not pay for it again.

Exactly why these five black youth accosted Comrie over this rental bike, I don’t understand, and if anyone else do understand what was going on here, please explain in the comments. At any rate, this guy McWhorter has repeatedly doubled-down in smearing Comrie, which is why Goldstein felt obliged to weigh in at length:

The facts, to the extent they continue to matter, are not in dispute — especially if what we are after is an accurate presentation of how to contextualize the 90-second viral video that threatened to ruin the life of Sarah Comrie, a white physician’s assistant, whom the left set about to turn into an objective correlative of white “Karenicity,” of female whiteness weaponized as a means to consciously control and subjugate black men.
McWhorter was and continues to be one of the driving forces of this narrative, having recently appeared on TYT to once again bemoan the racism of Ms Comrie and the dangers she posed to black men as a direct result of her whiteness. . . .

Read the whole thing. McWhorter is a definite type, the sort of “progressive” who poses as a Courageous Truth-Teller, soliciting admiration for his moral excellence in repeating whatever the favored left-wing narrative of the day might happen to be. And this is why he can’t apologize or retract his errors in regard to Sarah Comrie, because to admit he was wrong — she was the actual victim in the viral CitiBike incident, not the black accusers who claimed she was stealing a bike from them — would be a confession of fallibility, and thus call into question the validity of the reflexive and formulaic identity politics game he’s playing.

But the main point is that line by Jeff — “as white as a debutante’s taint”!

Wow, what a great line. He needs to copyright that one.

(Hat-tip: Instapundit.)




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