The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

I Guess SCOTUS Decisions Are Constitutional Amendments?

Posted on | July 9, 2023 | Comments Off on I Guess SCOTUS Decisions Are Constitutional Amendments?

by Smitty

Via Legal Insurrection, it appears that, per the Biden Administration’s illustrious peat muppetPress Secretary, SCOTUS decisions are tantamount to Constitutional Amendments:

“This is really, really important and I know the American people are really tracking this, as they should be. Dobbs decision, that was something that was decided on a year ago. Really took away the freedoms from women. I think about abortion, I think about reproductive rights. And that was unprecedented. Now you fast-forward to what we saw last week, affirmative action. Again, taking away important constitutional rights that have been in place for a long time,” Jean-Pierre said.

One is tempted to indulge in a little bit of fremdschämen, when one feels embarrassment on behalf of someone too thick to realize that they should be ashamed.
But, in defense of Karine Jean-Pierre, we don’t declare war or budget along Constitutionally coherent lines either. So possibly she makes a good point in passing: we need to either get this ship back on course, or just scuttle the whole mess.

See also:
Red State


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