The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler


Posted on | April 21, 2024 | Comments Off on Para-Dogs

by Smitty

Some sorry Socialist para-dogs
About which Commies ever bark
Are how “the things” our spirit bogs
With “Equity for all” in *their* dark

Materials: good in their way
No shame is found in the suitable tool
Yet “Stuff obsessions” wreck the day
(Extremist views are of the fool)

In stark contrast are we then told
That all wealth gaps are born of sin
“Riches come in theft’s unfold,
There is, at last, no honest win.”

And yet in the following breath
“Diversity” is all the rage
Monoculture is a death
How fit we all then on one page?

Can we somehow reconcile
Two ideas so at odds?
Do possessions all defile
Or: diversity in private goods?

The thing about the Para-Dogs
Is: they are rooted in a ruse
That people are just pollywogs
Livestock for elite to use

The lesson, then, is nothing new
“Covet not thy neighbor’s stuff”
Reject those insisting one do
For folly makes the times get tough.

Author’s rendition


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