The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 05.01.24 (afternoon edition)

Posted on | May 1, 2024 | 1 Comment

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley et Hamas delenda sunt.

357 Magnum: DEI Will Soon Be Killing You, Literally
EBL: Rating Bottled Marinara Sauces, Hitler Kills Himself, and Evidence of Planet Nine?
Twitchy: WH Staff Strategy To Shield Biden From Cameras & Questions Ramps Up, Illegal Immigrants Take Over Seattle City Park & Put Out Supply Requests, and Kamala Harris Posting About “Trusting Women” Goes Hilariously Wrong
Louder With Crowder: “Gender Seasons” Is Now A Thing: People Are Changing Their Gender For The Different Times Of The Year, also, Masked man unites America eating an entire jar of cheeseballs in front of hundreds of adoring fans
Vox Popoli: The Indictments are Blowing in the Wind, Non-Competes are No More, Hub Hub Hurray, The Decline of the Literary West, and The Arkhaven Substack
Defending The Wood Perilous: The Strange March of Time
Gab: A Foreign Government Is Demanding Gab User Data
Upstream Reviews: White Ops

American Conservative: Is the Navalny Intelligence Leak an Olive Branch to Putin?
American Greatness: Save College Football
American Thinker: Living with Climate Change
Animal Magnetism: Animal’s Daily Texas News
Babalu Blog: Nicaragua dictatorship condemns 11 Christian leaders to long prison sentences, demands $880 million from them, Whistleblower exposes the privileged life and violent acts of Cuban general who just turned 92, and Cuban dictatorship dubiously claims 1 million tourists have visited this year
BattleSwarm: Abbott Joins DeSantis In Defying Biden’s Title IX Redefinition
Behind The Black: ESA is taking the Vega rockets away from Arianespace and giving it to the company that builds it, SES to buy Intelsat for $3.1 billion, NASA announces launch coverage for the first Starliner manned capsule launch on May 6, 2024, NASA wants to know the important technology the commercial space industry needs, and Voting by conservatives HAS made a difference, just not enough so far
Cafe Hayek: The Reality of Industrial Policy
CDR Salamander: The Future Imperfect
Da Tech Guy: Under the Fedora, REAL “Islamophobia” in Action, Soros-funded Chicago prosecutor will finally get tough on lawbreaking protesters–but only for the Democratic National Convention, Sports Under the Fedora, and A Blessing in Disguise (and a pretty good disguise it was)
Dana Loesch: Last Week In Legal – Pecker Testimony Edition
Don Surber: The lesson from Columbia
First Street Journal: Is a Muslim high school teacher using his position to push #AntiSemitism?
Gates Of Vienna: A Hamburg Caliphate is Stirring, also, Attendance at the Struggle Session is Mandatory
The Geller Report: Violent Anti-Jewish Riot at Columbia As Terrorists Smash, Take Over Academic Building, Barricade Doors
Glenn Reynolds: Notes On The Asylum Where I Was Raised
Hollywood In Toto: David Schwimmer Shreds Campus Antisemitism: ‘Silence Is Complicity’, The Onion and Ben Collins: A Perfect Fake News Marriage, Reflections on Bruce Willis’ Final Decade of Acting, Is Challengers This Generation’s Bull Durham? and Screams Before Silence Must Be Seen and Remembered
Legal Insurrection: Jewish Student Files Lawsuit Against Columbia for Failing ‘to Maintain a Safe Learning Environment’, James Carville Melting Down Over Sagging Support for Biden Among Young Voters, Scotland’s Free Speech Hating First Minister Resigns Before Being Ousted, Anti-Israel Encampments: UCLA PD Admits School Told Them Not to Intervene, Northwestern Caves and Negotiates, Police Clash With Anti-Israel Campus Mob at Virginia Commonwealth University, and Report: Israel Eliminates IRGC Terror Operative Wanted for Attacks on Synagogues in Germany
Michele Catalano: closing time
Nebraska Energy Observer: Just this once
Outkick: TJ Oshie Solidifies Legendary Hockey Guy Status, Played Game 4 With Broken Hand, Seismic Shift From College Sports Leaders Could Bring Revenue Sharing For Athletes Quicker Than First Imagined, Greg Norman Told By The R&A To Check Resale Market For Open Championship Tickets, Man Of The People Bill Murray Rides NYC Train After Watching His Cubs Beat Mets, Paige VanZant Open To OnlyFans Side Bet With Elle Brooke For Boxing Match, and Amazon Thinks People Will Pay Extra To Watch NBA Games They Don’t Watch For Free
Power Line: Feeding our fraud goes to trial, The Daily Chart: Breaking Wind, and Britain Gets Sane
Shark Tank: “Take Your Fake Lab-Grown Meat Elsewhere”
Shot In The Dark: Just Asking Questions, also, Hear Me Out
STUMP: Who survives until 2098?
The Political Hat: Liberty vs. Virtue: The False Dilemma Fallacy
This Ain’t Hell: Soros and Hamas, also, Joe Biden’s proposed tax hike proposal is based on racial criteria
Transterrestrial Musings: Voting For Joe Biden
Victory Girls: Drew Barrymore Slobbers Over Kamala “Momala” Dearest
Volokh Conspiracy: “If He Did Not Want to Be Called a ‘Rioter,’ Plaintiff Should Not Have Admitted…to ‘Participation in…[a] Riot'”
Watts Up With That: Forbes Calls BS on the latest Climate Economics Doomsday Prediction, also, No Gas and Air For Women Giving Birth in the Eco-Utopian Future
The Federalist: Republican Weakness Taught Democrats Power Works Better Than Persuasion, Voter Registration Groups Slim Down Operations After Florida Upped Penalties For Breaking The Law, Washington’s Sweeping Crime Wave Exposes The City’s Distorted Priorities, Court Stands By Decision Rejecting Undated Pennsylvania Mail Ballots, In Blow To Left-Wing Activists, Federal Agency Had ‘Pallets’ Of Documents Sent To Mar-A-Lago One Year Before DOJ Raid, and Poll: Election-Shifting Percentage Of Voters Admit To Illegal Voting In 2020
Mark Steyn: The Three Rs

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One Response to “In The Mailbox: 05.01.24 (afternoon edition)”

  1. FMJRA 2.0: No Satisfaction : The Other McCain
    May 5th, 2024 @ 3:03 am

    […] In The Mailbox: 05.01.24 (afternoon edition) A View From The Beach EBL 357 Magnum […]