The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 06.10.24

Posted on | June 11, 2024 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 06.10.24

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley et Hamas delenda sunt.

Continuing to celebrate Pride Month with a shoutout to those old-school allies at BMW! 😉

357 Magnum: Biden May Be The Best Gun Salesman Of All Time
EBL: Gauguin in Tahiti, Moviepass, Movie Crash, If the left wants to target Alito, maybe conservatives need to do the same with lefty justices, and Russia vs. Ukraine: Who wins this war of attrition?
Twitchy: Here’s Kamala Harris Dancing While Joe Biden Stands There Like An Idiot, Trump Says These 51 Intelligence Officials Should Be Prosecuted, and Politico – A Stubborn Electorate Refuses To Believe They’re Living Through An Upswing
Louder With Crowder: City will now send UNARMED social workers to handle some 911 calls instead of police, Black NBA coach goes hard in the paint at woke reporter’s race-baiting question, and the reporter is none too happy, and Competitive hobby horse rider melts down that YOU don’t think riding a hobby horse is a real sport
Vox Popoli: The Congressional Police, Not-Vaxx Never Mandatory, Always Listening, All the Time, The Old Guard Sees NATO’s Defeat, and Snap Elections in France
Upstream Reviews: Ctrl-Alt-REVOLT!
Gab: What Are You Getting Dad This Year?

American Conservative: Will the First Amendment Save Assange? also, Where Is Democrats’ Outrage at Biden’s Authoritarianism?
American Greatness: Jill Biden, Edith Wilson, and the Changing American State, Why I’m Backing Donald Trump, Alvin Bragg Demands that Trump Remain Under Gag Order, The Left Knows Leftism Doesn’t Work, Florida Supreme Court Sides with DeSantis Over Removal of Soros-Backed Prosecutor, and Did Dr. Anthony Fauci Commit Perjury During His House Testimony Last Monday?
American Thinker: A Daring Rescue and a Surprise from the Ninth Circuit, also, The Swamp’s Rational Hatred for Donald Trump
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: Cuba’s hyper-slimy Foreign Minister cozies up to his Chinese masters on his way to cozying up with his Russian masters, As Cubans starve, dictatorship opens new beer keg plant for tourist market (thanks to Italian investors), Union of Young Communists event in Havana leaves at least seven youths dead, many more injured, and Epidemic Update: Officials warn Oropouche and Dengue will keep spreading due to uncontrollable mosquito infestation
Baldilocks: Deadline, When God Was In The Music, and Speaking Of Music
BattleSwarm: Surviving D-Day Ships, NYTimes Hacked, Source Code Stolen, and Adobe Just Wants Unlimited Use Of Everything You Create
Behind The Black: SpaceX completes two Starlink launches hours apart, After only seven commercial flights, Virgin Galactic retires Unity, and Bill Anders, the thoughtful astronaut who liked to go fast
Cafe Hayek: Some Links on David Boaz (1953-2024), Some Additional Links on David Boaz , and Who’s “Business-Friendly”?
CDR Salamander: Fat Leonard With Craig Whitlock On Midrats, Red China’s Expanding Base On Hainan
Chicago Boyz: Book Review: Red Plenty, by Francis Spufford
Da Tech Guy: Observation and Deduction: Stanford University Channels Batman and Teaches Students a Lesson in Law, The Growing Election 2024 Preference Cascade, 12 great songs about dads for Father’s Day, and I Don’t Know if this Means Anything or Not for Election 2024
Dana Loesch: Hunter’s Week-Long Gun Trial, Conservatives Score Major Wins In EU Elections
Don Surber: The real reason for the Hunter trial
First Street Journal: Today’s left and their whining about successful Israeli rescue missions, also, Whenever there is a truth you cannot tell, that is a truth you must tell!
Gates Of Vienna: Broken German For a Broken Culture, There’s No Business Like Migration Business, Have Knife, Will Travel, Tweet, Tweet, and Why is Nationalism Good in the Middle East, But Evil in Europe?
The Geller Report: Hamas Hostage Noa Argamani Held Hostage for 8 Months in Home of AL JAZEERA Reporter, also, Hostages Were Forced to Read the Quran
Hollywood In Toto: On Deadly Ground at 30: Seagal’s Misstep Still Makes Us Howl, Eminem Hits New Low with ‘Houdini’, Corrupt Colbert Spins WSJ’s Damning Biden Report, Hit Man Gives Glen Powell His Movie Star Breakthrough, and It’s Official – Audiences Have Forgiven Will ‘The Slap’ Smith
The Lid: Revealed: the Majority Black Committee that Excluded Caitlin Clark for U.S. Olympic Basketball Team, also, Report: Biden’s Economy Gives More Jobs to Illegal Aliens than to Americans
Legal Insurrection: McGill University Student Appears to Spit on School President at Graduation Before Unfurling Anti-Israel Banner, Three Washington State Teens Face Ten Years In Prison For Vandalizing Pride Mural, Biden Admin Tells San Diego Border Patrol to Continue Catch and Release for Most Illegal Aliens, North Korea Sends Second Volley Of Trash- And Poop-Balloons Into South Korea, The Left is Attacking Israel for Rescuing Their Own People, and U. Minnesota Appoints Anti-Zionist to Lead the Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies
Nebraska Energy Observer: Monday, Again
Outkick: Tony Vitello Delivers Intense Postgame Press Conference Rant After Tennessee Clinches College World Series Bid, Dan Hurley Will Remain At UConn, Turning Down The Los Angeles Lakers, Caitlin Clark Says She ‘Admires’ Dan Hurley, ‘Cool’ He’s Staying At UConn, Elizabeth Hurley Shoots A Shower Scene In A Two-Piece, Baby Gronk Flips Again & Titsworth On The Bump, MLB Insider Buster Olney’s Social Media Account Gets Hacked, and WNBA Mean Girls Won’t Accept Caitlin Clark Until She Apologizes For Being White and Straight
Power Line: Mandate of heaven, America’s Guided Democracy, Europe Moves to the Right (UPDATED), and The State That No Longer Works
Shark Tank: Diaz-Balart – “The Election Can’t Come Quick Enough. We Need Trump Back.”
Shot In The Dark: The Experts Have Spoken, also, End of the Beginning
STUMP: Taxing Tuesday Podcast – Chicago Teacher & Illinois Dreams
This Ain’t Hell: Bill Anders, Apollo 8 astronaut dies, Audrey Hale, transgender school shooter, had leftist leanings-Manifesto, World War II veteran feels like a foreigner, IDF frees four, kills millions, and Steve Slaton – The ‘He Said, She Said’ of Vietnam Service
Transterrestrial Musings: We’ve Lost Another Great One, Islamists Keep Stabbing People, Mars Is Earth’s Destiny, Boot-Drive Problem, and Palestinianism
Victory Girls: Salon Claims The “Patriarchy” Is Ruining Our Sons, Caitlin Clark Snubbed By The WNBA Olympic Team, and Leftwing Media SHOCKED that Americans Don’t Like Being Invaded
Volokh Conspiracy: The Left Wing Attack on Judicial Independence and on Justice Alito, also, KBJ and Beyoncé
Watts Up With That: The Truth about Wind Power and the 2022 UK Gas Crisis, Trump Raises $12 Million in Silicon Valley, by Promising Cheap Energy to Power the AI Revolution, Green Dilemma: Pennsylvania Fracking Wastewater Could Provide Half the USA’s Lithium Needs, The Latest On The Federal War Against Internal Combustion Vehicles, and Deputy Leader Of Germany’s Centre-Right Party: Country in A “Green Fairy Tale World”
The Federalist: Biden’s FDA Can’t Get Its Story Straight On Who Can Sue Over Abortion Rules, Rolling Stone Melts Down Over Alito Being A Christian Who Believes In Limited Government, These Huge Exceptions Show Biden’s Border Security Order Is A Faked Political Stunt, Youngkin Orders Virginia Agencies To Strengthen Voter Roll Maintenance Ahead Of 2024 Election, Spotify Gears Up To Silence Political Opponents Under Guise Of ‘Election Integrity’, Despite Media Claims, Hunter Has Never Really Faced Repercussions For His Drug Antics, and Fauci Testimony Forces The Washington Post To Debunk Its Own Fake News 
Mark Steyn: King of the Swingers Meets Emperor of Austria, A Solid Bond: 007 Takes Shape in From Russia with Love, I’ll Be Seeing You, and The “Far Right” Moves Nearer

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