The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

In The Mailbox: 08.05.24

Posted on | August 6, 2024 | Comments Off on In The Mailbox: 08.05.24

— compiled by Wombat-socho

Silicon Valley et Hamas delenda sunt.

357 Magnum: F***book Didn’t Think The Law Applied To Them
EBL: Beach Volleyball, Taiwan beats Red China in Badminton, The British Government Vows To Destroy The White Racists of Southport, and Where’s Kamala?
Twitchy: UK Subject Films Arrest For “Facebook Crimes”, As Our Savings Vanish, At Least Twitter Had Fun With #KamalaExplainsThe Stock Market, and A Flashback To Potential VP Pick Gov. Klink & His Bad Choices
Louder With Crowder: YouTube has BANNED us until the election, also, A Black barbershop doesn’t doesn’t like Kamala Harris, so CNN’s white host goes on the attack
Vox Popoli: Sociopaths Play Nice Guys, The Sound of a Sea, Neocons are Back, Adieu, Old Friends, and More Rumors of War
Upstream Reviews: White Ops
Draw & Talk Comics: The Next 45 Days Of Life
Postcards From Barsoom: The Rebellion Of The Helots Against Liberalism’s Zimbabwean Telos, also, Who Speaks For The Children?
Stoic Observations: The Problem With Bitcoin

Adam Piggott: Women are not Warriors
American Conservative: Johnny Cash to be Memorialized in U.S. Capitol
American Greatness: Kamala Harris and the Masque of Magical Thinking, The Most Effective Way to Brand Kamala, The Trump Assassination Attempt and the Kennedy Connection, Black Conservative CEO: Kamala’s Statement on Reparations Shows She is the ‘New Poster Child for Socialism’, and Kamala Can’t Win
American Power: Sloane Crosley, Grief is for People
American Thinker: Kamala Harris and the Great Democrat Cheat Machine, The Stranglehold of Censorship, and Everything in Moderation — Especially Government Power
Animal Magnetism: Goodbye, Blue Monday
Babalu Blog: The 30th anniversary of Cuba’s ‘Maleconazo’, Maduro intensifies arbitrary arrests, killings, threatens to obliterate opposition as proof of Venezuelan election fraud becomes evident, Father Alberto Reyes denounces Cuban dictatorship as “an infernal nightmare,” calls on Cuban people to fight for their freedom, and Cuban dictatorship cozies up to Iran, intensifies military & economic alliance
BattleSwarm: Texas Declares Victory In Border Wall Lawsuit, Anarchy In The UK, and How Are So Many Democrat Leaders The Spawn Of Marxist Professors?
Behind The Black: SpaceX launches 20 Starlink satellites, SpaceX launches Cygnus cargo freighter to ISS, and Sunspot update: In July the Sun produced the most sunspots in almost a quarter century
Cafe Hayek: On American Trade With China, also, Again, How Do They Know?
CDR Salamander: The Natsec Gods Of The Copybook Headings Have A Reminder, also, Cleo Pascal & The PRC In The Pacific Islands – On Midrats
Chicago Boyz: “Whole of Society”, also, The Coming Deluge?
Da Tech Guy: Review, Van Morrison’s Live at Orangefield, also, I Invoke the Planet of Tara Rule For Yesterday
Dana Loesch: If It’s Walz, Why?
Don Surber: Nixon got boned
First Street Journal: Don’t blame Other People if your neighborhood is a mess, Hoist by their own petard, and Nooo, not anti-Semitism at all!
Gates Of Vienna: Here Comes Another One, Those Blasted Germans Again, Algeria Celebrates Its New Heroine, A Beheading Craze in València, and The Chinese Connection
The Geller Report: 48 Republican Senators Protest Biden Regime’s Arms Embargo on Israel
Hollywood In Toto: Derek Richards Says Here’s Why Cancel Culture Is on the Run, Blood Simple – Blood-Stained Poetry That Left a Mark, Dennis Quaid on Oscar DEI Quotas, and Vince Vaughn Tees Off on Cancel Culture Scolds
The Lid: Here are the Never Trump Traitors Who Joined ‘Republicans for Harris’
Legal Insurrection: David Axelrod: ‘It is absolutely Trump’s race to lose’, Rep. Raskin in February: It’s Up to Congress to Disqualify Trump if He Wins, UW-Milwaukee Suspends ‘Pro-Palestinian’ Groups for Saying Israel Supporters ‘Not Welcome’ on Campus, Several Injured in Rocket Attack on Iraq Base Housing U.S. Personnel, With the World in Complete Chaos, Biden Focuses on Single-Use Utensil Ban, Biden-Harris Admin Released at Least 99 Potential Terrorists, and Cori Bush Doesn’t Know if Hamas is a Terrorist Organization
Michele Catalano: week in joy
Nebraska Energy Observer: Saturday – just for you, also, The Cousins Arise
Outkick: Olympic Boxers Khelif & Lin Might Be Victims, But That Doesn’t Mean They Should Get To Compete, Former Colorado Player Shares Concerning Comment About Guns And Fights Within Program, Ozzie Guillen Rips White Sox Manager Over Nightmare 20-Game Losing Streak, Gold Medalist Swimmer Spotted Sleeping Under Bench In The Park After Complaining About Olympic Village, A’s Fans Pummel Giants Fans In A Prison Yard-Like Beatdown, Olympic Pole Vaulter Anthony Ammirati Speaks After His Dong Costs Him Gold, and NFL Analyst Trey Wingo Slammed For Saying Harrison Butker’s Conservative Views Bring ‘Baggage’ To Chiefs
Power Line: Harris’s basement campaign, Sen. Cotton speaks for me, and The Daily Chart: Greens Against Green Energy
Shark Tank: Bipartisan Letter Requests Declaration Of Emergency Assistance
Shot In The Dark: Klink, also, Nothing Wrong Here 
STUMP: The Week In Meep
The Political Hat: The New Opium War
This Ain’t Hell: Recruiting goals look to be met, Army expanding BCT, The killing of three little girls in the UK leads to immigration related protests and riots, Miss USA title goes to Army officer, Joe’s Consolation Prize, and Kamala HQ mocked Donald Trump for predicting market crash under Joe Biden
Transterrestrial Musings: Judith Curry, Spaceport Las Vegas, Starliner Woes Continue, and Muscle Growth And Strength
Victory Girls: Buttigieg’s Vile Abortion Sermon, also, About Those “Republicans For Harris”
Volokh Conspiracy: Justice Gorsuch Explains What Collegiality Means
Watts Up With That: ‘A disaster’: Paris Olympics’ lack of ‘meat-based protein’ to lower ‘carbon footprint’ creates havoc, Role of Humans in the Global Water Cycle and Impacts on Climate Change, and Weighing N.Y.’s Climate Statute
The Federalist: AZ School Choice Program Makes Homeschoolers Jump Through Absurd Bureaucratic Hoops, Local Democrats Urge Georgia To Return To Hand-Marked Ballots, Echoing Conservatives’ Concerns, Media Are Waging An All-Out War On J.D. Vance Because Of His Pro-Family Policies, In Major Antitrust Case, Judge Finds Google’s Search And Ads Monopolies Illegal, Kamala Harris Always Planned To Take Away Your Health Coverage, Trump Did Not Have Secret Service Counter-Snipers Until Pennsylvania Rally, and WI City At Center Of ‘Zuckbucks’ Scandal Looks To Tap Leftist Lawfare Groups Ahead of Election
Mark Steyn: Mad About the Boy: Britain’s Sixties Begin with Tom Jones, Under an August Moon, Live Around the Planet – Imagine There’s No Pushback, Edelweiss, He Fought the Law…And He Won, and Diversity in the Gullet

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