The Other McCain

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Is Chicago Burning Yet?

Posted on | August 19, 2024 | Comments Off on Is Chicago Burning Yet?

Got to be honest, the pro-Hamas “resistance” in Chicago so far has been rather disappointing. If they can’t work up some violent chaos in the streets for the Democratic National Convention, what good are they, huh?

Hundreds of anti-Israel protesters breached the first layer of fencing outside the Democratic National Convention, with some later apprehended by Chicago police and others pushed back by officers behind to restore the secure perimeter.
The protesters had gathered at Union Park earlier Monday and marched over to Park 578 — just a few hundred feet away from the United Center — where President Biden and others will deliver speeches to as many as 4,000 Democratic delegates.
A double-fenced perimeter around the convention forum separated them from the Israel-hating demonstrators, as tensions mounted in the early evening.
Several protesters had crept up to the fence and began shaking it before slipping through. An entourage of law enforcement officers then arrived to reinforce the lines.
Some activists were also heard instructing their comrades not to enter the DNC grounds and to instead head west — but that instruction went mostly unheeded.
“No, we’re going in there,” one protester said.
Before the fencing was struck down, the crowd was heard chanting, “Just like 1968! There’s nothing here to celebrate!”
Others bore signs declaring, “Globalize the Intifada!” and “End all US military aid to Israel.”
Cops eventually pushed many of the protesters back, though some were arrested, one officer told The Post.
Top anti-Israel protest organizers had predicted a monster turnout of between 30,000 and 40,000 activists ahead of the Democratic National Convention, but on Monday afternoon before beginning their march, they appeared poised to fall dramatically short of that.

Pathetic. Couldn’t they at least loot Macy’s? Smash some windows, tear down a few statues, cover the convention center in “Intifada” graffiti? America wants to see some riotous mayhem, but these left-wing punks — who claim Democrats are complicit in genocide — don’t seem very serious about shutting down the convention.


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