The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

FMJRA 2.0: One Last Series

Posted on | September 22, 2024 | No Comments

— compiled by Wombat-socho

We lost two out of three games against Boston and then split the two-game series against the O’s at home, which leaves us at 67-92, still in last place and five games behind the A’s. This week we’re facing the Pirates at home; we’re 1-2 against them so far this season, and it would be nice if we did at least that well in the last series of the season. Already looking at the roster for next year and seeing I’m going to have some hard choices to make in the draft since some of my stud players this year are turning into pumpkins next year.
Next week I’ll be in Oak Ridge for the Security Site Advisory Board Chairs meeting, and I have no idea what my schedule is going to be like, except that I’ll be flying into Knoxville on Monday and back to Las Vegas on Friday.
Ceterum autem censeo Silicon Valley et Hamas delendam sunt.

‘I Wouldn’t Call Him Crazy’
The Daley Gator
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FMJRA 2.0: The Beatings Will Continue Until The Season Concludes
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In The Mailbox: 09.16.24
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357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 09.18.24 (Morning Edition)
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A Message From the Mossad
American Free News Network
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The Only Trick in Their Bag
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In The Mailbox: 09.19.24 (Afternoon Edition)
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 9.20.24 (Afternoon Edition)
357 Magnum

In The Mailbox: 09.20.24 (Evening Edition)
A View From The Beach
357 Magnum

Top linkers for the week ending September 20:

  1.  EBL (11)
  2.  (tied) 357 Magnum & A View From The Beach (10)

Thanks to everyone for all the links!

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