The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Progress On The Long March Through The Institutions

Posted on | April 5, 2010 | 8 Comments

by Smitty

Gramsci counseled his side to begin a “long march through the institutions,” by which he meant the capture of the cinema, theater, schools, universities, seminaries, newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and courts.

Look at what Gramsci’s intellectual offspring have achieved: “a supposed example of the nation fighting the war for commercial purposes.”

Follow up at USNI Blog and see who very righteously replied:

To think that a teacher, at the high school level, would stoop to the level of spin and rhetoric and confuse her pupils about the reason and history of our efforts at Iwo Jima where over 6000 Marines, Navy and Army died and over 16,000 were wounded is unconscionable. All died in a battle against the Japanese Imperial Forces that had first attacked us at Pearl Harbor.

In defense of the teacher, the level of brain bleaching required to attain that level of rank propaganda was likely more than an overnight effort.

The sad news is that the recovery from the Gramscian Damage will take a couple of generations. Think of our intellectual debt as being comparable to the national debt, on some abstract scale. Moses required two generations to recover the Israelites from Egyptian bondage. Technology may hasten that of the US.


8 Responses to “Progress On The Long March Through The Institutions”

  1. republicanmother
    April 5th, 2010 @ 4:29 pm

    This is why I am advocating taking your kids out of school this summer. I’ve got a pretty comprehensive post up about indoctrination and how you have to put through at least one generation of kids through to “detox” the culture.

  2. republicanmother
    April 5th, 2010 @ 11:29 am

    This is why I am advocating taking your kids out of school this summer. I’ve got a pretty comprehensive post up about indoctrination and how you have to put through at least one generation of kids through to “detox” the culture.

  3. Steve Burri
    April 6th, 2010 @ 1:50 am

    C’mon! Everybody knows we fought there for Iwo’s oil.

  4. Steve Burri
    April 5th, 2010 @ 8:50 pm

    C’mon! Everybody knows we fought there for Iwo’s oil.

  5. Cousin Sam
    April 6th, 2010 @ 3:08 am

    The problem is, while I see some clear enthusiasm for recapturing our political institutions, I see very little if any effort on our side towards a reverse-Gramscian re-capture of those institutions of education and media.

    If we do not take those back, any political gains will be short lived.

    We need to cut the media off at their root – money. Stop paying to see their movies, buying their DVDs, paying for their cable channels. Not just the movies and shows with an overt leftist message, but ALL of them that are put out by studios, directors, actors, financiers that will take that money you freely hand them and use it to propagandize. Stop visiting their advertiser supported web pages. Stop buying their magazines, their papers. Cut off their income. So many conservatives I know bemoan the leftist media-entertainment alliance, and then fund them with their hard earned money because they just can’t seem to go without a few minutes of vapid entertainment. If that’s too big a sacrifice, then you’re worse than the Leftists themselves!

    A little more difficult is cutting ourselves off from the leftist educational system – I realize not everyone an afford private education or has the resources to home-school, but pay attention to what your kids are being indoctrinated to, counteract it as much as possible, and meanwhile do all you can to support school voucher legislation to release us from the tyranny of public education.

    I’d like to continue with this line of argument, but I’ve got to go now – I’ve got tickets to go see Avatar, I hear it’s great!

  6. Cousin Sam
    April 5th, 2010 @ 10:08 pm

    The problem is, while I see some clear enthusiasm for recapturing our political institutions, I see very little if any effort on our side towards a reverse-Gramscian re-capture of those institutions of education and media.

    If we do not take those back, any political gains will be short lived.

    We need to cut the media off at their root – money. Stop paying to see their movies, buying their DVDs, paying for their cable channels. Not just the movies and shows with an overt leftist message, but ALL of them that are put out by studios, directors, actors, financiers that will take that money you freely hand them and use it to propagandize. Stop visiting their advertiser supported web pages. Stop buying their magazines, their papers. Cut off their income. So many conservatives I know bemoan the leftist media-entertainment alliance, and then fund them with their hard earned money because they just can’t seem to go without a few minutes of vapid entertainment. If that’s too big a sacrifice, then you’re worse than the Leftists themselves!

    A little more difficult is cutting ourselves off from the leftist educational system – I realize not everyone an afford private education or has the resources to home-school, but pay attention to what your kids are being indoctrinated to, counteract it as much as possible, and meanwhile do all you can to support school voucher legislation to release us from the tyranny of public education.

    I’d like to continue with this line of argument, but I’ve got to go now – I’ve got tickets to go see Avatar, I hear it’s great!

  7. McGehee
    April 6th, 2010 @ 12:38 pm

    Actually Sam, I see a growing base of support for an alternate line of attack: “If you can’t beat ’em, render ’em obsolete.”

  8. McGehee
    April 6th, 2010 @ 7:38 am

    Actually Sam, I see a growing base of support for an alternate line of attack: “If you can’t beat ’em, render ’em obsolete.”