Why Is the New York Times Now Campaigning for Anthony Weiner?
First, the dishonest puff-piece feature, now a transparent “news” plug for Congressman Meat-Tweet. What’s going on here? I’ve got a few hunches about their motives, but no time to explain my theory just now. But there was time for Neutral Objective Journalism at ViralRead: The New York Times has attempted to assist Weiner’s political rehabilitation, publishing an […]
‘It’s Really Astonishing. It’s Just a Deliberate Lie From Start to Finish.’
So says Ace of Spades about the way the New York Times re-writes the history of the Anthony Weiner cybersex scandal. In a just world, Jonathan Van Meter of the New York Times — and every editor who signed off on this thoroughly dishonest article — would be fired, and effectively blackballed from the industry like Jason Blair […]
Who Andrew Breitbart Was
P.J. O’Rourke encounters Andrew Breitbart at the Manchester, N.H., Radisson Bar, Saturday, Jan. 7, 2012 In May 2007, I interviewed Andrew Breitbart while he was working — doing his shift as an editor at the Drudge Report — at the D.C. offices of Reason magazine, and described how he worked and why he did it: His […]
Credit Where Credit Is Due: Breitbart, Beck and the Dana Loesch Lawsuit
Back in the Day: Andrew Breitbart was a guest on Glenn Beck’s Fox News show In April 2011, Matthew Boyle of the Daily Caller reported that Glenn Beck had been accused of using bloggers’ content without attribution: Mandy Nagy, a conservative blogger known online as Liberty Chick, spent untold hours last fall creating a chart […]
Further Tales of ‘Heroic Hatred’: Down the Rabbit Hole With Neal Rauhauser
Neal Rauhauser was a speaker at the 2010 Netroots Nation conference “I’ve been all over Patterico for the last several weeks, as he looks to be a pretty good candidate for the planner/operator behind Weinergate . . .” — Neal Rauhauser (“Stranded Wind”), Daily Kos, “Weinergate Perps Pay Dearly,”July 27, 2011 Patterico comments on the […]
Sociopathic Monsters: ‘Heroic Hatred’
In September, Ladd Ehlinger Jr. published “A Breathtaking Lack of Empathy,” an attempt to explain Neal Rauhauser’s sociopathic tendencies: He thinks of people as playthings to be toyed with. By categorizing them as “trolls” he can do to them whatever he wishes, and creates all sorts of elaborate games to entrap them. His revelry in […]
Memo From the National Affairs Desk: Chains Rattling, and Who’s That Ghost?
P.J. O’Rourke encounters Andrew Breitbart at the Manchester, N.H., Radisson Bar, Saturday, Jan. 7, 2012 “At more than one point in the movie, Breitbart asks members of audiences he’s addressing to hold up their iPhones, pocket cams, and other recording devices and to turn them on. You, he says, are the media. That gesture is […]
Newsroom Management Training Video
“The idea that I could do for a living that which I would do in my free time, for free, is the single greatest thing on the planet.” — Andrew Breitbart, May 2007 “He had so much energy. He was so positive. . . . He was definitely a mentor. He was great to his […]
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