The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Cecilia Jimenez Unleashes BHO Metaphor

by Smitty Via Althouse, picture worth a thousand words about a topic that has exactly zilch-point-jack worth of originality to offer: Cecilia, of course, was the little old lady who did a special makeover of Jesus. Say what you will of Jimenez’s work. Having been to the Basilica of the Annunciation, which has a full […]

Growing Up

by Smitty Victor Davis Hanson has another excellent essay on the situation in Europe. Read the whole thing. But let us focus on the Germany/Greece dichotomy. In other words, it is as illogical as it is common for the wayward debtor to blame the thrifty creditor for his dilemma. The Germans now are in the […]

Rebecca Traister’s Idiocy: Too Late for National Offend a Feminist Week? UPDATE: She Keeps Losing Arguments With the Voices in Her Head

Instpundit brutally pimp-slaps a Washington Post columnist who evidently doesn’t understand that a succubus, by definition, cannot be “sex-averse.” Alas, National Offend a Feminist Week ends on Mother’s Day, and I didn’t see Rebecca Traister’s column (linked at Althouse) until the annual festival of patriarchal oppression had elapsed. Sigh. If only there were some good […]

Is Torie Bosch Really An Idiot?

by Smitty Torie Bosch has deliberately, diabolically misconstrued Chris Christie, and Ann Althouse, unexpectedly, seems to want to take Bosch seriously, leading to much cognitive dissonance: But it’s not enough here to say Bosch is an idiot or that Bosch’s idiocy exemplifies the pathetic present-day feminist web-writers and impugns the entire enterprise of feminism — […]

Small Arms May Stop Spread Of Tuberculosis At #OccupyObamaVilles

by Smitty Ladd Ehlinger seems surprised that anarchy, poor sanitation, and the onset of winter can lead to outbreaks of diseases like tuberculosis. I disagree with those who said the Occupy movement was doomed at the first sign of winter. This is because I have never seen it as a grass-roots movement, but one cooked […]

Bubba Got Crushed

by Smitty Over at Althouse, a poll choosing between a third round of Bubba or W. For 2K votes, W has 80%. I don’t know that Ann’s readership is all that right of center, either. While retaining some personal regard for Bush, I don’t think his policies did too much to help attack the generational […]

No One Says That #OccupyResoluteDesk Has Much To Hide, But He Acts That Way

by Smitty President Obama’s attorney sent a letter to Congressional investigators on Friday, saying the White House would not cooperate with a subpoena requesting documents related to its doling out a $535 million loan guarantee to now bankrupt solar panel manufacturer Solyndra. “I can only conclude that your decision to issue a subpoena, authorized by […]

Does Endorsing The #Occupy Movement Signal That The Administration Is Going ‘Scorched Earth’?

by Smitty Via Althouse, you have to wonder what, if any, thought occurs in senior Democrat noggins: President Obama and the Democratic leadership are making a critical error in embracing the Occupy Wall Street movement—and it may cost them the 2012 election. Last week, senior White House adviser David Plouffe said that “the protests you’re […]

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