The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Good News: Paraguay Demonstrates More Sack Than The U.S. Congress. Bad News: Franco Back In Power

by Smitty Paraguay’s Congress removed President Fernando Lugo from office after a lightning-quick impeachment trial on Friday that he said was tantamount to a coup but pledged to accept. Lugo, a silver-haired former Roman Catholic bishop who quit the Church to run for president on a social reform program, was found guilty of mishandling armed […]

Carpet Dime

by Smitty Who said #OccupyResoluteDesk couldn’t deliver at least 10¢ worth of change the dog can relieve on? via Fausta

#OccupyResoluteDesk Meets Strongest Allies. Someone Named ‘Abovetheirweight’ Hardest Hit.

by Smitty Smart diplomacy’s real reset button: via the whole blogosphere, most recently Fausta. Update: linked by Daily Pundit, Best Social Program, and that TrogloPundit, who sees a job opportunity. Working for #OccupyResoluteDesk. Now that is a below-the-bog level of shamelessness.

‘Mono Jojoy’ Sounds Like A Starbucks Seasonal Special

by Smitty The roasted Columbian formerly known as Mono Jojoy isn’t a beverage of which you’d care to partake, however. Latin American sobre-blogger Fausta Wertz reports, emphasis mine: After evading justice for over a decade, the Colombian armed forces, with the help of American military training and technology, were able to locate Mono Jojoy through […]

What Will We Do With Census Workers To Keep Unemployment Down?

by Smitty (via Digg) After the Census is taken, the job numbers would be likely to tank. Would be, that is, if Hugo Chavez wasn’t leading the way: Hugo Chavez, president of Venezuela, who only recently signed up to Twitter, has rapidly risen up the rankings to become the top tweeter in the country, despite […]

Normblog Profiles Fausta

by Smitty How can you do anything but admire the lady? What philosophical thesis do you think it most important to disseminate? > The moral benefits of capitalism. What philosophical thesis do you think it most important to combat? > Communism in all its incarnations. Can you name a work of non-fiction which has had […]