The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

They Told Me If Obama Was Elected …

. . . Glenn Reynolds would spend the next four years making endless variations of the same joke — and they were right!

Draft Reynolds 2012?

“The people who think they’re smart enough, and morally superior enough, to run everyone else’s lives are risible. They’re not smart enough to run their own lives competently, and they’re actually, overall, morally inferior … They pursue power, and they exercise power, as much for deference as anything else.” — Professor Glenn Reynolds He’s got […]

Not In Agreement With Insty Here

by Smitty Insty links Victor Davis Hanson on the topic of America being in decline when many indicators argue for improvement. Like Britain just after World War II, we have a leadership class that fundamentally doesn’t like the country it leads as it is, and wants to change it into something . . . less. […]

Professor Reynolds and Journalism

One of my pet peeves is when people criticize “journalists” when what they actually mean to criticize are “people on TV.” It is the latter category of TV news that so often inspires contempt for “the media” — an attitude I generally share, except for the fact that I’ve been a professional journalist for 25 […]

And Yet, Instapundit . . .

by Smitty Insty links Pilon at Cato on the Barbour exit, and finishes with a rumination: . . .when you have a system of government so demanding at top levels that few normal people care to participate in it, you will get few normal people at the top levels. Two points: When normal people, e.g. […]

I Must Be Missing Something

by Smitty The President can override Congress on having various staff Czars with a signing statement, but he can’t close Guantanamo Bay, in accordance with his campaign promises. What if BHO had had a Guantanamo Bay Czar? What would that guy do?

Separated At Birth, Reynolds/Grant Ed.

by Smitty This is precisely what it appears to be, a blatant attempt at blogwhoring. You will likely never see me mention the dude on the right again. I thought the height of his acting career was getting his chops busted by Colin Firth in Bridget Jones’s Diary

Sputnik or Fort Sumter?

While I was busy commemorating today’s 150th anniversary of the bombardment that began the Civil War, it seems those commie comrades at Google decided to go with the “Bolsheviks in Space” motif: Bob Belvedere is suitably sarcastic: “Sure, why the Hell not. The old Soviet Union was not so bad, you know . . .” We’ve come […]

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