The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Goldberg And Instapundit

by Smitty Two of your favorite heads heading down the byways of favorite topics together. Jonah was most interesting in discussing the reluctance of the establishment, mostly media (but I’ll venture that his point extends to the GOP proper) to get overly attached to the Tea Parties. Goldberg doesn’t put it this way, but it’s […]

Obi’s Sister Is Four Years Old Today

by Smitty Update: can overkill overcome oversights? A great blog, with my favorite color as the main theme. Following Stacy McCain’s How to Get a Million Hits on Your Blog in Less Than a Year increased my traffic significantly, even though I’ve not hit the million mark yet. That’s not really the point here. What’s […]

Who Instapundit Is Linking Today

Instead of us, that is. This used to be a semi-regular feature Back In The Day, and this looks like as good a time as any to revive it, because today is Rule 5 Sunday and Professor Glenn Reynolds is linking video of a hot chick talking to an Objectivist. NTTAWWT. We’ll need to ask the […]

On Any Top Ten List of ‘Really Bad Ideas for Blog Post Titles’ . .

 . . . I’d say “Dan Riehl Sucks“ has got to be at least No. 3. And when you call Dan a “Little Green Footballs wannabe” . . . Dude. John Doe at Smashmouth Politics objected to Dan’s criticism of Glenn Beck. Hey, it’s a free country, and people disagree.  But having worked with Dan on a few projects, […]

Sitemeter Profiles Robert Stacy McCain

by Smitty Sitemeter caught Stacy McCain after a recent Insta-lanche for the Krauthammer for President post, and profiled Stacy as he lay on the couch…pontificating: Go, Stacy!

Scientific Study Confirms: Instapundit Should Link Here More Often

Simon Owens at Bloggasm: Over a period of four days spanning from February 23 to Feb. 26, Reynolds published a total of 287 links to 144 separate domains. In that small space of time, there were 26 domains that he linked to three times or more. We didn’t make the list. Hat-tip to American Power, […]

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