The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Iowa Victory Lap

DES MOINES, Iowa Today I checked out of the hotel near Santorum HQ in Johnston and drove down toward the Des Moines International Airport where I checked into a cheap motel. Then I went to Taco John’s and got four tacos, a burrito, chips and salsa. On the way back to the motel, I stopped […]


I’m not sure which is more profoundly offensive: The song itself, or Richard McEnroe posting it under the title, “A Ron Paul Christmas”: There are so many layers of sick humor atrociously bad taste hate crime involved, I’m not sure where to begin: Orthodox Jews will be horrified by this shiksa‘s expression of carnal lust for Jew-flesh; […]

Mandatory Binding Arbitration

That’s the only possible solution to the ongoing labor dispute at Three Beers Later, where Richard McEnroe was forced to cross his own picket line, established in solidarity with the unpaid HuffPo bloggers. My worst fear is that Richard’s militant labor unrest against himself will inspire Smitty and Wombat to begin demanding a 10% increase […]

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