The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Did You Miss Hair Of The Dog?

by Smitty Rather brief this week, but less seems to be more for the good VP. The Beck clip is worth the price of admission:


by Smitty Julian “Duh” Assange “Munch” Justification Descends. Almighty Ministers. Just Don’t Ask Me. (tip o’ the JDAM to Vodka Pundit)

The Right Needs To Extend The Olive Branch To The Left

by Smitty Inspired by this photo and post over at iOwnTheWorld, allow me to share a thought. No, I’m not about to scuttle principles, espouse Brooksian centrism or go totally Charles Johnson on you. Rather, consider that there are a number of people who sort of know that they’ve been duped by the Left, but […]

Stephen Green: Immigrant Percussionist?

by Smitty (h/t Miss Cellania) Is that really the Vodka Pundit on the left on percussion with an empty?

URGENT NEWS ALERT: VodkaPundit Will Drunkblog SOTU Tonight

Well, that’s not exactly news, really, since he’s been doing it for years and never blogs completely sober:  I realized I’d been watching these damn things since 1980. And that the time for games was over. And that the only way I was going to get through another one, sanity intact, was to start drinking […]

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