‘Somebody Has to Stand Up’
So says Mark Levin: [H]e offered $100,000 to Chris Matthews to find any example where Sarah Palin or Levin himself had “promoted the murder of anybody.” The direct challenge to Matthews took place shortly after Levin had played clips of Matthews suggesting Levin’s passionate radio shows were “angry” and apparently implying that Levin’s shows and […]
Rush Limbaugh Reads My Blog On Radio, Makes Mrs. Other McCain Angry
OK, I’ll get around to why my wife is angry later. First, I gotta brag on making it into Rush’s “Stack of Stuff” : This from the American Spectator blog from a couple days ago: “For decades, Americans have been lectured that there is exactly one standard by which sexual activity can be judged: Were the […]
Malkin and Coulter Underrated?
Conservative Home, a new Web site run by people you never heard of, has published the results of a survey of “1,152 Republican activists” identifying their favorite pundits. The top five are Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Charles Krauthammer, Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity — i.e., the top talk-radio star, three Fox News hosts and and […]
Sarah Palin’s Biggest Gamble
Following up on the earlier post about Sarah Palin’s endorsement of Christine O’Donnell, I have spoken to a few sources, one of whom described this as “the longest of long shots,” a decision based not on political calculation but as a matter of “pure principle.” Another source pointed out that Rush Limbaugh might have had an influence, […]
For the First Time Ever, Rush is Wrong
“I’m not going to do Twitter. There’s no way to make any money on Twitter. Twitter is just fad type stuff.” — Rush Limbaugh Twitter is a communication tool. Millions of people — including Alyssa Milano’s 1,038,358 followers — use Twitter to communicate. And you can’t communicate with those people if you’re not on Twitter. […]
That Would Be A Maybach, Gibbs
by Smitty (via Drudge) Purely Reprehensible Egotistical Slimy Sycophant (PRESS) Secretary Gibbs has nothing better to do than make personal attacks on citizens, e.g. Rush Limbaugh, who fail to agree with the atrocious policies his boss carries out and for which he gleefully carries water. In particular, attacks on the foul policy of bailing out […]
Perez Hilton Parody Shifts Away From Self; Now Parodying Man Of Principle
by Smitty Rush Limbaugh was married recently, as our readers well know. Via Orit Sklar on Twitter comes word of foppish buffoon Perez Hilton mocking Sir Elton John for playing the Limbaugh wedding. “$1 Million for my soul” says Elton in the photo. In the first place, Perez, it would be a drab world if […]
Wedding Bells For Limbaugh
WASHINGTON, DC–Rush Limbaugh will marry long-time girlfriend Kathryn Rogers on June 5th, according to a knowledgeable source. The wedding is reportedly planned for Palm Beach, Fla., where both Mr. Limbaugh and Ms. Rogers live. This exclusive news was received unexpectedly tonight while I was interviewing Liz Carter, a Republican Congressional candidate in Georgia’s 4th District. […]
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