The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Coming This (Down)Fall: #RiceCapades

by Smitty I’ve been pretty much wrong with every thing I’ve ever predicted, politically. Undaunted, let me offer the following rough outline: Trump has Congress appoint a special prosecutor. They do a thorough investigation of #OccupiedResoluteDesk’s abuses, direct and indirect. They publish a redacted copy. Trump pardons Obama. Think about it: Obama wants to go […]

The Worst President in History

Barack Obama has made Bradley Manning the symbol of his disgraceful legacy. “Look at the way Obama treats America’s friends and compare it to the way he treats America’s enemies, and it’s obvious that Obama’s interests and America’s only rarely coincide.” — Stephen Green, Jan. 18, 2017 Matt Margolis and Mark Noonan’s book The Worst […]

Video Shows Democrat Hate Crime in Chicago: ‘F–k Trump! F–k White People!’

  Four young supporters of Barack Obama wanted to show the world what the Democrat Party stands for, so they kidnapped a mentally disabled young white man, bound and gagged him, and tortured him in a West Side Chicago apartment, livestreaming video of their hate crime on Facebook. Police say they have arrested four 18-year-old […]

Democrat Armageddon

Top headlines at the Drudge Report, as of 6:30 a.m. ET today:   CORRUPTION: SHE HAS EQUAL DELEGATES AS SANDERS… JAY CARNEY: OBAMA WANTS HILLARY TO WIN… O ON DEFENSE: ‘I AM PROGRESSIVE’… HILLARY ALLIES INTENSIFY RACE ATTACKS… CBC leaders to endorse her — at the DNC! Sanders woos the black vote… Ta-Nehisi Coates Backs […]

#OccupyResoluteDesk, #OccupySCOTUS?

by Smitty Shall not eight years of the personal pronoun pumping pipsqueak have been enough? The price of Her Majesty’s election, despite being the least suitable person since Barack Obama, may become apparent: While at a rally in Decorah, Iowa, on Tuesday, a reporter asked Clinton what she thought about nominating President Obama to the […]

When Crazy Is Against the Law …

. . . only outlaws will be crazy: Delivering on its promise to deliver “common sense” gun control, the Obama administration on Monday finalized a rule that enables health care providers to report the names of mentally ill patients to an FBI firearms background check system. The action was one of a series of steps […]

This Blog Gives Her Majesty 90 Days In Office #HillaryClintonHealthConspiracies

by Smitty Via Instapundit and Don Surber: Scott Adams, of Dilbert fame, thinks Her Majesty is hiding a serious health concern, but is setting up Donald Trump. Let me lay out a few thoughts. Her Majesty and BHO are bound by Benghazi, though 13 Hours might change that situation. BHO is concerned about his “legacy” […]

Fact Checking The Ralph Peters Allegation Concerning The Totality Of Our President

@MsEBL Thurston responds to Ralph Peters @rsmccain @instapundit @BobBelvedere @jscroft @wombat_socho @LaDowd — IGotOverMachoGrande (@smitty_one_each) December 8, 2015 More at HotAir

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