The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘Gentleman’ Jim Moran’s “Occupy NOVA” Reign Of Error Staggering To A Halt

by Smitty DLTDHYOTWO, Jim. It’s been a crummy 15 years I’ve lived in VA-8, and watched the country increasingly go down the tubes since the Democrat takeover of Congress in 2006, knowing that you’re a ringleader of the debacle.  I don’t mean crummy for me, personally: I’ve only endured one brief bout of unemployment. But, […]

Lance Armstrong For President

by Smitty Watch me take a contrary position on the famous cyclist, who is demonstrating more integrity than many public figures in circulation: Lance’s confessional comes at an interesting time. For more than a decade, Armstrong dared anybody who challenged his version of events to prove it. Finally, he told the tale himself after promising over […]

NBC-4 Covers Pat Moran/Project Veritas

by Smitty We’re fans of NBC-4. Jim Vance is just a legend. Sure, they’re in the tank for #OccupyResoluteDesk, but this report on the Pat Moran / Project Veritas situation handles things in a journalistic manner: For this much coverage, I’m guessing that Jim Moran just isn’t all that well-loved. Great work, NBC-4!

Col. Patrick Murray Responds To ‘Gentleman’ Jim’s Son’s Departure From Moran’s Staff

by Smitty Via email from the Murray campaign: Alexandria, VA – In light of breaking news and the release of a video showing Pat Moran, son and campaign staffer of Congressman Jim Moran, apparently instructing a person on how to commit voter fraud in Virginia, Moran’s opponent in the 8th Congressional District, Colonel Patrick Murray […]

Son Of ‘Gentleman’ Jim Moran Strangely Comfortable With Possible Voter Fraud, But Not Staying On Dad’s Campaign

by Smitty The latest Project Veritas delivery isn’t a shining moment for Northern Virginia: James O’Keefe and Project Veritas are heros for calling attention to the serious problem of voter fraud. In defense of Pat Moran, though, it’s one thing to engage in hypothetical discussions about fraud, and quite another to commit it. I don’t […]

‘Gentleman’ Jim Moran: Collectivist Way Ahead Of Warren And Obama

by Smitty Patrick Murray on FaceBook brings up an old chestnut, featuring my bloody-minded Congresstool in fine form. Here he anticipates the famous Elizabeth Warren diatribe, which also pre-figured #OccupyResoluteDesk’s “You didn’t build that” in Roanoke, VA. Virginia led this country to independence. Jim Moran, living in the shadow of Mount Vernon, would cheerfully lead […]

All Right, Everybody Quit Making Fun Of Matthew Yglesias

by Smitty via (JWF) Yglesias cannot be held to account for mistaking the Paul Ryan for the Congressman who engaged in insider trading after the 2008 housing meltdown: Public Servant Drool Bucket To the best of my knowledge, ‘Gentleman’ Jim Moran has offered no explanation, much less an apology, for the allegations of day trading […]

‘Gentleman’ Jim Moran, VA-8, Clues The World In On A Point His Constituents Suspected, Yet Was Better Unstated

by Smitty No time for a transcript on this gem: What’s fascinating about Moran’s remark is that it means Moran is a co-member of the No-Junk Brotherhood with Harry Reid. Maybe Reid’s inability to secure an NRA endorsement in 2010 is why Moran is allowed to mumble against them in public. Patrick Murray for Congress […]

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