The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Carter Page FISA Documents: The Steele Dossier, the Leaks, the Witch Hunt

Here are some headlines from September and October 2016: U.S. intel officials probe ties between Trump adviser and Kremlin — Michael Isikoff, Yahoo News, Sept. 23, 2016 Michael Isikoff has the latest tale of people with questionable ties to Russia within the Trump campaign — Washington Post, Sept. 23, Sept. 23, 2016 Donald Trump advisor […]

‘Cohen! Cohen! Cohen!’

Continuing to watch CNN (so you don’t have to), they have now switched from “Russia! Russia! Russia!” to “Cohen! Cohen! Cohen!” This reflects the headline today in the New York Times: Michael Cohen Secretly Taped Trump Discussing Payment to Playboy Model Now, the ordinary non-CNN viewer may ask, “So what?” Probably the not-obsessed-with-politics-24/7 person has […]

‘Russia! Russia! Russia!’

  Up this morning at 6 a.m., I turned the TV to CNN and watched 15 minutes of “Russia! Russia! Russia!” Then I changed the channel to MNSBC, and watched another two hours of “Russia! Russia! Russia!” At this moment (8:23 a.m. ET, as I write this sentence), David Axelrod is being interviewed on CNN […]

Trump’s Summer Summit Bummer

Here’s the top of the headline stack at the Drudge Report today: TRUMP IN THE DOG HOUSE! RASMUSSEN SLIPS TO 44%…  Bookmaker increases chances of impeachment… Dems want Trump interpreter to testify before Congress… Russia Liquidates US Treasury Holdings… Putin Trespassed in NATO Airspace on Way to Summit…  How Maria Butina gained access to elite […]

The Maxine Waters Democrats: Texas Teen Attacked for Wearing ‘MAGA’ Hat

  Hunter Richard, 16, was wearing a pro-Trump “Make America Great Again” hat in a San Antonio hamburger restaurant Tuesday night when a man snatched the hat off his head and threw a drink in his face. Video of the incident went viral and the man, identified by police as Kino Jimenez, was arrested Thursday, […]

Good-Bye, #NeverTrump!

  Honestly, I’ve found it easy to ignore the #NeverTrump Republican crybabies most days, but reading their epitaph was enjoyable: The Never Trump intellectual crowd has no momentum and no popular following these days. Consider the trajectory of their would-be leader [Bill] Kristol, who appears to be indulging in a personal fantasy by putting himself forward as a candidate, […]

No Republicans Allowed: Restaurant Owner Ejects WH Spokeswoman

  White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders was asked to leave a Virginia restaurant where Republican customers are not welcome: Stephanie Wilkinson, co-owner of The Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Va., told The Washington Post on Saturday that Sanders’s support of President Trump’s desire to ban transgender people from the military, in particular, was antithetical […]

Trump Titanium
Testicle Territory
Treads Triumphantly

by Smitty Having lived on the edge of the Beltway Singularity nearly two decades, there is a unique perspective that one can bring. Around the 2006 election that put Princess Pelosi in as Screecher of the House, there was a growing concern about whether there was something Really, Truly Wrong in the U.S. I saw […]

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