Trump Trolls His ‘Christian’ Chumps
by Smitty Hot Air has the audio clip. It’s a relatively obvious troll. It underscores the notions that either (a) Trump isn’t even slightly serious about the job for which he’s purportedly campaigning, or (b) if there is a serious bone in his body, it’s dislocated from any real competence. I’m actively curious as to […]
Presidential Race, The Final Frontier
by Smitty Presidential Race, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the barship Trumpyprize. Its 5-beer mission: to explore strange gutteral worlds, to seek out new lies and old provocations, to boldly, emphatically, and with scant relation to facts set about making America greatly hydrated again with Brawndo.
“How’s The Weather, Donald?”
“It’s Raining Knives”
by Smitty Here are the first there paras of a must-read Angelo Codevilla essay over at the Federalist: The Obama years have brought America to the brink of transformation from constitutional republic into an empire ruled by secret deals promulgated by edicts. Civics classes used to teach: “Congress makes the laws, the president carries them […]
Note To The Trumpenproletariat
by Smitty There is a reason why the Ace of Spades is such a crucial blogger: My problem with Trump is that he is a dealmaker trying to make a sale. Right now he’s trying to make a deal with conservatives — so this is the very most conservative we’ll ever see him. If he […]
Don’t Let The Gills, Scales & Fins Distract You–Nothing Fishy In Trumpistan
by Smitty Byron York almost doesn’t seem to notice: There really were a lot of Trump voters out there, and party officials could not, or did not want, to see them. And what an astonishingly varied group of voters Trump attracted. At his victory celebration in Manchester Tuesday night, I met a young woman, Alexis […]
Don’t The #TrumperTantrum Gags Just Write Themselves?
by Smitty [View the story “The Art of the #TrumperTantrum Deal” on Storify]
Will Cruz Cruise or Get Trumped?
The battle for Iowa seems to be coming down to Texas Sen. Ted Cruz vs. Donald Trump. Of course, there are likely to be five candidates still in the race after the Feb. 1 Iowa caucuses, but the debate Thursday highlighted the clash between Cruz and Trump: Donald Trump and Ted Cruz clashed Thursday […]
This Blog Gives Her Majesty 90 Days In Office #HillaryClintonHealthConspiracies
by Smitty Via Instapundit and Don Surber: Scott Adams, of Dilbert fame, thinks Her Majesty is hiding a serious health concern, but is setting up Donald Trump. Let me lay out a few thoughts. Her Majesty and BHO are bound by Benghazi, though 13 Hours might change that situation. BHO is concerned about his “legacy” […]
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