The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Paul Krugman, Mystifield

“Something really strange has happened to the debate over economic policy in the face of the Great Recession and its aftermath . . . “Now, however, we’re seeing a much more widespread attack on demand-side economics. More than that, it’s becoming clear that many people don’t so much disagree with the idea that demand matters […]

From the Dept. of Obvious Headlines

Low-tax states attract budget-conscious Americans Gee, ya think so? You mean to tell me that, given the choice, people would rather live where taxes are low than where they are high? Put that story at the top of A-1 and phone the Pulitzer committee! Update (Smitty): “Those bitter, Klingon, unpatriotic swine!” Vice President Biden was […]

Bank Crisis Continues; United Western Becomes Biggest Failure in Five Months

Isn’t “recovery” wonderful? State regulators shut down four banks on Friday, bringing the new year’s total number of bank failures to seven, following 157 bank closures during 2010. Three of the four failed banks — Enterprise Banking Co., CommunitySouth Bank & Trust, and The Bank of Asheville — had been previously included in TheStreet’s Bank […]

The Economics of Love

That’s when she told me a story About free milk and a cow. She said, ‘No hugging, no kissing Until I get a wedding vow . . .’ Research affirms old-fashioned common sense: As women progress in educational and professional opportunities, their odds of finding a committed man appear to go down. That’s one of […]

Jesse Walker on Loughner and Zeitgeist

In the immediate aftermath of the Tucson massacre, the mainstream media went chasing after “right-wing” phantoms, as the managing editor of Reason magazine explains: In the meantime, people who actually knew the killer were talking to the press, dropping clues about what Loughner really was reading and viewing. Loughner’s friend Zach Osler, for example, told ABC that while […]

Liberals Cheer as Lawyers Attempt to Destroy the Housing Market in Maryland

David Dayen at Firedoglake is doing cartwheels: In a major ruling Friday, a coalition of nonprofit defense lawyers and consumer protection advocates in Maryland successfully got over 10,000 foreclosure cases managed by GMAC Mortgage tossed out, because affidavits in the cases were signed by Jeffrey Stephan, the infamous GMAC “robo-signer” who attested to the authenticity […]

How to Talk to a Follower of
the Zeitgeist Cult (If You Must)

In response to my descriptions of Zeitgeist — the conspiracy-cult movie that Jared Loughner’s friend says had a “profound impact” on the Tucson massacre gunman — I today received an e-mail from a British follower of the Zeitgeist Movement. He repeated the cult’s own mantras about substituting an egalitarian global redistributionist “resource-based economy” for the […]

Salvia, Zeitgeist and the Tucson Shooter

Leaving aside Sheriff Clarence Dupnik and the Left’s “blood libel” hysteria, let’s examine the factors that really motivated mass murderer Jared Lee Loughner. First, here is a four-minute Associated Press video interview with George Osler, father of Loughner’s friend Osler: “There was a lot of talk about lucid dreaming and understanding reality. . . . […]

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