The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Memo From the National Affairs Desk: Sic Transit Jacksonville Airport

JACKSONVILLE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, Fla. Dan Balz drifted out of the Champions sports bar adjacent to the Tampa Marriott last night just as I was heading in to order a cheeseburger. “Whaddya think?” I said. “Good night for Romney,” he said. And that was really all that could be said. There was no drama, no suspense, […]


TAMPA, Fla. Polls just closed in the western panhandle of Florida, and there is no need for suspense regarding the result. It has been pretty much a universal certainty for the past week that Romney was going to win this thing pretty easily, and the only question is the final margin of victory. In fact, […]

Newt Gingrich: Graceless in Defeat?

Newt Gingrich in Fort Myers, Fla., Monday Jan. 30, 2012 NAPLES, Fla. This will be my last day here in the posh condo which Dan Collins has so generously made available as the Florida headquarters of the National Affairs Desk. Tonight I head up to Tampa to cover RINO Fest 2012 Mitt Romney’s victory celebration, […]

UPDATE: Newt’s Populist Turn

FORT MYERS, Fla. 6:51 p.m. ET: During his speech today at Page Field, Newt Gingrich spun a conspiratorial view of the opposition to him, saying that Mitt Romney’s campaign is using “recycled” bailout money to attack him. Saying that Goldman Sachs chose Barack Obama in 2008, Gingrich said the giant Wall Street bank — using […]

Like an Earthquake in Vanuatu: Michelle Malkin Endorses Rick Santorum!

NAPLES, Fla. Woke up about 10:30 this morning expecting to put together a quick aggregation of the morning news. Then I saw Michelle Malkin’s endorsement of Rick Santorum. All bets are off. Forget everything else — this is freaking HUGE! UPDATE: I’m about to go get breakfast, but before that, a few more bits of news: […]

Florida Fever: Naples Struck by Sudden Outbreak of Raging Mitt-Mania Epidemic

Mitt Romney at Naples rally, Sunday, Jan. 29, 2012 NAPLES, Fla. Attention young conservatives: Your grandma loves Mitt Romney. The phenomenal shift in the polls here in the Sunshine State — which has provoked much commentary and analysis about “strategy” and “messaging” — may in fact be little more complicated than that. And the massive […]

Steak & Eggs Morning News Round-Up: Florida GOP Voter ‘Horrified’ by Newt; Romney Opens Double-Digit Poll Lead

NAPLES, Fla. This morning I drove to Waffle House for breakfast — 5-ounce New York strip steak, two eggs over medium, hashbrowns, wheat toast, large orange juice and coffee, $11.71 — and the waitress had a tattoo on her neck. On the way back to the posh condo (thanks, Dan Collins!) I stopped to pick […]

Herman Cain Endorses Newt Gingrich

NAPLES, Fla. Does anyone else remember — because I do — how the Perrybots used to claim that anyone who supported Herman Cain was, in effect, supporting Mitt Romney? I even had friends who supported Perry tell me that Cain wasn’t “really” running for president but was aiming for a Cabinet position in a future […]

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