The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Did President Obama Invent Muslim Victims of Egyptian Church Bombing?

Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit notes that although Obama issued a statement saying that the New Year’s Day bombing at a Coptic church in Alexandria caused “deaths and dozens of injured from both the Christian and Muslim communities,” news reports indicate all 21 killed were Christians, as were 71 of the 79 reported injured. So even though […]

Terrorism: Obama’s Against It

“I strongly condemn the separate and outrageous terrorist bombing attacks in Egypt and Nigeria.” Nice of him to make this clear, considering his long association with unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers. Associated Press video of the reaction in Egypt: This whole throwing-rocks-at-the-police thing doesn’t strike me as the Christian thing to do, but consider how Christians […]

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