The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Duke and Duchess of Trash

Sometimes the algorithm turns up a headline that, while utterly silly, nevertheless gets your mind completely off-track: One of Meghan Markle’s most iconic looks will be displayed in a British fashion museum. The Fashion Museum announced Tuesday that the black silk Giorgio Armani dress that the Duchess of Sussex wore for her bombshell interview with […]

Who Killed Sir David, and Why? UPDATE: ‘Somali Heritage,’ Motive Unknown

It’s almost midnight in England now, and many hours have passed since the news broke that Sir David Amess, a Tory member of Parliament, was stabbed to death during a meeting with constituents: Police said a 25-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of murder after the attack at a church in Leigh-on-Sea. They recovered a […]

Aspiring Rapper Update

Readers may have forgotten Timothy Nathaniel Leeks, but last November, the 22-year-old was arrested in the fatal shooting of rapper Dayvon Bennett, a/k/a “King Von,” outside an Atlanta hookah bar. It’s been two months since our last Aspiring Rapper Update, and I know that many of our readership may have been disappointed in the dearth […]

England Soccer: ‘Get Woke, Go Broke’?

This is a subject that I am loath to raise because (a) I don’t know a lot about contemporary England, (b) I don’t understand soccer strategy, and (c) this involves accusations of RAAAAACISM! England lost the European championship final to Italy in an overtime “shootout,” a sort of sudden-death situation where the teams, having finished […]

What the Princess Said

“We are trying to do all we can to help our gallant sailors, soldiers, and airmen, and we are trying, too, to bear our own share of the danger and sadness of war. We know, every one of us, that in the end all will be well. For God will care for us, and bring […]

Erasing America’s Anglo-Saxon Heritage

An inherent problem with the contemporary rhetoric about “white supremacy” employed by the Left is that it is ahistorical. The first time the SPLC accused me of being a “white supremacist,” I was dumbfounded. What does that term even mean in the 21st-century United States? No intelligent person could imagine — certainly, I have never […]

British Court Rules It’s OK to Call ‘Stephanie Hayden’ a ‘Pig in a Wig’

Not a woman: Anthony Halliday (left) as ‘Stephanie Hayden’ (right). Last year I described this menace to society: Anthony Halliday changed his name to “Stephanie Hayden” and became a transgender activist in England who “regularly threatens gender identity disbelievers with civil or criminal lawsuits, or attempts to have them ousted from their careers.” Now a British […]

Terrorist in London Stabbing Attack Had Just Been Released From Prison

  Just another random coincidence: A man shot dead by police after he stabbed people in south London had been released from prison in January. Sudesh Amman, 20, was released about a week ago after serving half of his sentence of three years and four months for terror offences. He was under active police surveillance […]

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