The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Two Russian Generals Reported Killed as Ukraine Invasion Becomes ‘Clusterf**k’

Russian Maj. Gen. Vitaly Gerasimov reportedly has joined his comrade Maj. Gen. Andrei Sukhovetsky in the ranks of those killed during Putin’s disastrous invasion of Ukraine. The Russians have confirmed that Sukhovetsky was killed Feb. 28 by a Ukrainian sniper near Mariupol, while Gerasimov was reportedly killed Monday near Kharkiv. Ukraine’s defense ministry released audio […]

Why Ukraine Is Winning (So Far)

Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus, surnamed Cunctator (c. 280 – 203 BC), was a Roman statesman and general of the third century BC. . . . His agnomen, Cunctator, usually translated as “the delayer”, refers to the strategy that he employed against Hannibal’s forces during the Second Punic War. Facing an outstanding commander with superior numbers, […]

Ukraine: Russia Agrees to Temporary Cease-Fire in Besieged Mariupol

Breaking news overnight: Russia said Saturday it was observing a temporary cease-fire in the key Ukrainian port city Mariupol, which it has besieged for days, to allow the creation of humanitarian corridors to evacuate civilians. The cease-fire went into effect at 2 a.m. E.T. and will cover both Mariupol and the smaller nearby city Volnovakha, […]

Teetering on the Brink

The good new is, we’ve avoided World War III so far. The bad news is, Ukraine is getting pounded to hell. Being a student of history — and particularly of military history — I’ve struggled to resist the feeling that I’m living through a sequel to The Guns of August. If you’ve never read Barbara […]

Infamous Race Hustler Uses Ukraine War to — You Guessed It — Hustle Race

The brilliance of Critical Race Theory is that it enables practitioners to see racism literally everywhere: Left-wing New York Times reporter and controversial 1619 Project creator Nikole Hannah-Jones was slammed online after accusing journalists covering the Russian invasion into Ukraine of “racialized analysis and language” in their reporting, indicating their “sympathy” for white victims of conflict and […]

War and the Meaning of Nationhood

Once upon a time (he says, as if speaking of a mythical ancient past, but in fact speaking of his own youth) students were taught to think deeply about the nature of government, what constitutes a nation-state, and what purpose such a geopolitical entity is intended to serve. This is (or at least once was) […]

Listen to the Experts!

Far be it from me to say that Lyle Goldstein’s analysis is wrong. Indeed, the possibility that Ukraine could become the site of an Iraq/Afghanistan-style “insurgency” does seem unlikely. But things that seem unlikely happen all the time, and we cannot rule anything out, just because the odds are daunting. Putin is rattling his nuclear […]

The Blessings of St. Javelin

This image of a saint wielding an FGM-148 Javelin anti-tank missile has become an iconic symbol of the Ukrainian resistance to the Russian invasion. When you see video of destroyed Russian tanks and armored personnel carriers, chances are it was a Javelin that did the damage. The Javelin is quite a sophisticated weapon, so much […]

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