Bang Bang Fang Fang: Eric Swalwell’s China Spy Secrets Inspire Painful Puns
Monday, Matthew Boyle at Breitbart published this: The U.S. Intelligence Community currently has in its possession a classified report that includes intricate and intimate details of the nature of the relationship between Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) and a Chinese spy known as “Fang Fang,” Breitbart News has confirmed. The report, which intelligence and national security […]
Apocalypse in South Africa
How bad is the violence in South Africa? It’s even worse than Chicago: Crowds looted shops and offices in South Africa on Wednesday, defying government calls to end a week of violence that has killed more than 70 people and wrecked hundreds of businesses. The unrest, the worst in South Africa for years, also disrupted […]
England Soccer: ‘Get Woke, Go Broke’?
This is a subject that I am loath to raise because (a) I don’t know a lot about contemporary England, (b) I don’t understand soccer strategy, and (c) this involves accusations of RAAAAACISM! England lost the European championship final to Italy in an overtime “shootout,” a sort of sudden-death situation where the teams, having finished […]
‘Bioessentialist Concepts of Gender’
My journalistic skepticism kicked in when I saw this tweet screencapped by Ace. Surely, this can’t be real? But then I checked, and indeed this is a real tweet by a real person — well, a Canadian, anyway. I’ve never considered Canadians fully human, but let’s not digress . . . Here is the full […]
What ‘Settler Colonialism’ Is About
About six or seven years ago, while I was researching radical feminism, I began encountering the phrase “settler colonialism,” e.g., “Why Racial Justice Work Needs to Address Settler Colonialism and Native Rights,” a 2015 article at Everyday Feminism by Rachel Kuo. Why would Kuo, the daughter of Taiwanese immigrants, who was at that time a […]
Guess Who Noticed a Certain Autistic Swedish Teenager Is Getting Kind of Fat?
Normally, I don’t quote Chinese Communist Party propaganda here — that’s what CNN is for — but it seems that some comrades in Beijing noticed that Greta Thunberg has put on a few pounds lately: Greta Thunberg has called out Chinese state media for “fat-shaming” her in a scathing article that questioned her vegetarianism, the Independent reported. […]
Career Opportunities in Gaza
Do you have what it takes to be a Hamas leader? The main thing it takes is hate — psychotic hatred of Jews. We’re not talking mere prejudice here, but murderous, genocidal hate, the kind of atavistic rage that makes you want to fire hundreds of rockets at Israeli civilians. If you’ve got that kind […]
Hunter Biden’s Beijing Honey Trap
Remember when the media spent three years chasing the “Russian collusion” narrative and then Democrats impeached President Trump because of what he said in a phone call with the president of Ukraine? If they were really serious about foreign interference in American politics, the media would be leading every broadcast with this story: Hunter Biden’s […]
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