The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Second Manassas in Kursk Oblast?

Oktyabr’skoe is a Russian village about five miles east of Rylsk, and about 25 miles north of the border with Ukraine. Thursday night, Ukraine hit a Russian truck convoy on the E38 highway in Oktyabr’skoe, possibly wiping out an entire battalion of reinforcements being sent to counter a Ukrainian incursion into the Kursk Oblast. Ukraine’s […]

Bad Arguments in Support of Bad Policy

“Facts are meaningless. You can use facts to prove anything that’s even remotely true.” — Homer Simpson Saturday will mark the two-year anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the good news, I suppose, is that Russia didn’t succeed in capturing Kyiv and conquering Ukraine entirely. This must be balanced against the bad news, namely […]

‘Who Fought for Ukrainian Independence Against the Russians’ in WWII?

Sometimes the Godwin’s Law jokes write themselves: Following addresses to the parliament in Ottowa on Friday from both [Canadian Prime Minister Justin] Trudeau and [Ukrainian President Volodymyr] Zelensky, the Speaker of the House of Commons Anthony Rota prompted a standing ovation as he honoured a “veteran from the Second World War who fought for Ukrainian […]

Pentagon Leak Confirms Ukraine Suffering Shortage of Trained Manpower

Forget the media coverage focused on how the leak of classified material happened and speculation on who might be responsible for that leak. I’m sure the FBI will figure that out, just as soon as they’re finished prosecuting people for “parading” in the Capitol and posting funny memes on Twitter. What’s really important is the […]

What Happened to Charlie Sykes?

Jeff Goldstein has a long essay slamming #NeverTrump pundit Charlie Sykes, a well-deserved slam, in reaction to a very bad Bulwark column Sykes wrote about Republican critics of Biden’s Ukraine policy. Although it’s not my main point, let me briefly address that subject: One of the basic principles of success in politics was distilled to […]

Ukraine Joe Ignores Ohio

Ohio is Trump country, so screw ’em. This has been the general Democrat attitude toward the residents of East Palestine, Ohio, dealing with the catastrophic train derailment, a story being deliberately ignored by the stenographers of the liberal media. Oh, but Ukraine Joe’s so presidential! President Biden made a surprise, hourslong visit to Kyiv on […]

War in Ukraine = Jobs in America

The beautiful thing about being “the arsenal of democracy” is that it’s very profitable. For the past year, Ukraine has been burning through the available supply of artillery ammunition at a much higher rate than Western nations can produce ordnance: NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg warned [Feb. 13] that Ukraine is using up ammunition far faster […]

What’s Up in Ukraine Lately?

It’s been more than four months since I devoted any attention to the war in Ukraine, mainly because it settled down into a bloody stalemate, with relatively little movement of the front lines. Once the Russians evacuated Kherson and retreated to the south (or east) bank of the Dnieper River, that front stabilized, as the […]

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