The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Freedom Wins in Ukraine?

Luxury estate of #Ukraine's president to be handed to the state, parliament rules & — BBC Breaking News (@BBCBreaking) February 23, 2014 For now, at least, the boot-heel has been lifted: KIEV, Ukraine — Abandoned by his own guards and reviled across the Ukrainian capital but still determined to recover his shredded authority, […]

Ukraine Unravels

Unimaginable scenes from #Kyiv. 22 new images from deadliest day yet in #Ukraine. @mashable — Jim Roberts (@nycjim) February 20, 2014 The news out of Kiev is troubling: At least 50 protesters reported killed, and the protesters say the number of dead is actually more than 100. The conflict is essentially one between […]

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