The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Gay Movie Director Drugged, Raped Teenage Boy in 1999, Lawsuit Alleges

Bryan Singer, the openly gay film director best known for X-Men movies, has been accused of molesting a teenage male model in 1999. The lawsuit is described by the Hollywood Reporter: Bryan Singer, director, producer and writer of more than two dozen productions including the X-Men films, was accused Wednesday in a federal lawsuit of […]

Hollywood Actress Urges Hollywood to Create More Jobs for Actresses

If any misogynist is looking for evidence of female mental inferiority, the Huffington Post’s “Women” category is a treasure trove, with dumb writers and dumber topics (e.g., “Why I Hate Wearing Bras” and “I Was On Reality TV — Here’s What It’s Like To Fake ‘Real Life‘”), suggesting that there are two basic ideas behind […]

Kim Novak’s Oscar Appearance Sparks Remarks About Age, Plastic Surgery

Kim Novak: A legendary Hollywood bombshell @ColorMeRed @AmPowerBlog @BeccaJLower @lamblock @MelissaTweets — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) March 3, 2014 People say disrespectful things on Twitter every day, but when 81-year-old Kim Novak showed up on Sunday’s Oscar broadcast to present the Best Animated Feature award to Frozen, the sarcasm about Novak’s surgically altered face […]

‘Oh, My God. They Were Everywhere’

Young stars circa 1987: Corey Haim (left) and Corey Feldman Apropos of recent controversies, Pete Da Tech Guy quotes a 2011 interview with former child actor Corey Feldman: “I can tell you that the No. 1 problem in Hollywood was and is and always will be pedophilia. That’s the biggest problem for children in this […]

Occupation: Consultant

Ace of Spades nails it down cold in two sentences: “Most people have no idea what the hell they’re talking about, and that’s especially true in Hollywood. This guy has no idea what he’s talking about either, but neither did the people who paid for his services.” There is a certain type of person who […]

‘Raiders of the Lost Pretty Baby’?

Ace of Spades stumbled across transcripts of the brainstorming sessions that led to the Indiana Jones movies, and the backstory of this dialogue: Marion Ravenwood: “I was too young, it was wrong and you knew it.” Indiana Jones: “You knew what you were doing.” Ace says: “I assumed it was actually Contrived Filler Dialogue To […]

‘Learning French,’ IYKWIMAITYD

Valérie Allain as Mireille Belleau in French in Action (1987) “Many have criticized the depiction of Mireille as gratuitously sexist. The camera often lingers on the actress’s chest and bare legs. ‘You’re seeing the videotape through a male gaze,’ said one female teaching assistant who asked not to be identified.” — New York Times, March […]

Naked Celebrity News Update (Or, the Parable of the Prodigal Upskirt)

Because I’m trying not to offend the Pope — he’s on Twitter now, and I’m still hoping to get a “Follow Friday” shout-out — I resisted the temptation to headline this item “Anne Hathaway Upskirt,” although I decided it wouldn’t hurt to use that as the URL. It seems that at this week’s premiere of Les […]

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