Under-the-Bleachers Blogger Externalizes Rage, Demands to See Speedo Picture
Susie Madrak’s conference-call complaint that the Obama White House treats liberal bloggers like “the girl you’ll take under the bleachers but you won’t be seen with in the light of day,” has become the hottest topic on the ‘sphere. The premise of the conflict is itself a conundrum, as Allahpundit says: Mind you, the purpose of […]
Ted Kennedy and Other Liberal Heroes
The Ted Kennedy Memorial Punchline was fairly popular on Twitter, earning re-Tweets and praise from Leather Penguin, among others. I explained: @LeatherPenguin Liberals insist Teddy be treated with awestruck reverence. He needs to be mocked, and often, and by someone who knows how. And elaborated: @LeatherPenguin Generally speaking, anyone or anything liberals especially idolize deserves the same treatment. […]
Do Liberals Really Care About The ‘Human Condition’?
by Smitty Jay Nordlinger over at the Corner offers this: I’m grateful to both Walter Cronkite and Barbara Walters for something: They admitted, yes, the media are liberal, and a good thing, too. It has to be that way, they said. For — and this is Walters talking — journalism involves the “human condition,” and […]
Soccer May Be Gay, But
At Least It’s Not Canadian
I don’t think Allahpundit is Canadian, but he does have a suspiciously extensive knowledge of Broadway show tunes hockey. IYKWIMAITYD. The other day, I put up a mocking headline: World Cup Overkill: Associated Press Writes 1,068 Words About 1-1 Tie And proceeded to mock soccer, generally, which prompted commenter “gg” (whose IP address is in […]
News, Weak
The bidding for Newsweek hasn’t been exactly eager: [S]ome Newsweek staffers . . . describe the mood as ranging from stunned to funereal to angry — the latter emotion fueled by a sense that Editor Jon Meacham erred badly by transforming the newsweekly into an upscale, left-leaning opinion magazine. Meacham has said that in the […]
Tipper Gore — Available!
First, Al Gore invented the Internet. Then, he announced his separation via e-mail: Al and Tipper Gore, whose playful romance enlivened Washington and the campaign trail for a quarter century, have decided to separate after 40 years of marriage, the couple told friends Tuesday. In an “Email from Al and Tipper Gore,” the couple said: […]
The Right Needs To Extend The Olive Branch To The Left
by Smitty Inspired by this photo and post over at iOwnTheWorld, allow me to share a thought. No, I’m not about to scuttle principles, espouse Brooksian centrism or go totally Charles Johnson on you. Rather, consider that there are a number of people who sort of know that they’ve been duped by the Left, but […]
In The Mail: My ‘Retire Jim Moran’ Bumper Sticker
by Smitty Even the Instapundit had to have a ‘first swag’ item. Mine came Tuesday, a righteous little piece of bumper goodness: And retire Jim Moran we must. While I’m 99% proud of my country, one legitimate cause for guilt is the way that Progressive tools like Moran have quite literally pillaged the rest of […]
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