Fire Can’t Melt Steel, and ‘The View’ Can’t Possibly Become More Ludicrous
They’re bringing back Rosie O’Donnell, because there obviously aren’t enough celebrity conspiracy theorists on network daytime TV, and no one is happier about this news than Allahpundit: To celebrate the occasion, take my arm and stroll with me down memory lane, back to Rosie’s finest hour. Watch the whole clip if you can — she […]
When ‘Balanced’ Journalism Is Bad
As what point does journalistic objectivity shade into the “who are we to judge” posture of moral relativism? Do journalists have an obligation to call evil by its right name? These questions crossed my mind as I watched an ABC Good Morning America segment about Kaitlyn Hunt, who copped a plea Thursday on felony charges […]
Bias by Omission: What the WaPo Didn’t Include in Its ‘BullyGate’ Hit Job
Susan Swift at Big Journalism located a profile feature about Mitt Romney in Automobile magazine, including quotes from some of the same sources used in Jason Horowitz’s “BullyGate” story. One of the common sources was Phillip Maxwell, who is quoted by the WaPo as an authority on the Infamous Homophobic Bullying Haircut. So, what didn’t […]
Administration’s Counter-Terrorism Chief Does Three Network Sunday Shows
Coming up on the first anniversary of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, it will be victory-lap time on Fox News Sunday, CNN’s State of the Union and ABC’s This Week, with counter-terrorism adviser John Brennan as the guest. Andrew Malcolm writes: You remember Brennan as the one rushed out to the White House […]
CNN’s Jack Cafferty: ‘Lingering Questions About Mormonism … Odd and Insular’
A steady drip, drip, drip from the major media continues, and notice how this is framed as helpful advice to Mitt Romney: Now that Mitt Romney is likely the Republican nominee he may begin talking about his Mormon faith. Politico reports a lot of Republicans think he should embrace his Mormonism publicly so people can better understand […]
Turbo-Tax Tim Does 3 Sunday Shows UPDATE: Geithner Praises Obama’s ‘Incredibly Effective’ Economic Policies
The Treasury Secretary is ubiquitous on Tax Day: ABC This Week: Timothy Geithner. NBC Meet the Press: Timothy Geithner; Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn.; Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y. CBS Face the Nation: Timothy Geithner; Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz. CNN State of the Union: Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee; Reps. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., and Cathy […]
Santorum’s Sunday Schedule Includes Appearances on ABC and CNN
Was Rick Santorum exaggerating when he accused Fox News of having a pro-Romney bias? We report, you decide: The “fair and balanced” network doesn’t have him scheduled for any interviews today. Santorum will appear on two other Sunday shows on ABC and CNN, while campaigning today in Louisiana before going to Illinois for a series […]
Satan Angered by New Poll Showing Santorum Ahead 34%-18% in Wisconsin
MORGANTOWN, W.Va. Stopped in here at McDonald’s and got online to discover that Satan’s plan to destroy America is now the top story in the country. This is why neutral objective journalist George Stephanopoulos interviewed neutral objective Mitt Romney supporter Chris Christie about the urgently relevant Satan issue today. Stephanopoulos and Christie: What a team, […]
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