The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

ABC Iowa Debate Reaction Roundup UPDATE: Jennifer Rubin, WTF?

UPDATE 12:45 a.m.: Several people — including Melissa Clouthier, Dan Riehl, Ace of Spades and William Jacobson — were expressing outrage on Twitter at the way the Washington Post‘s Jennifer Rubin scored the debate: Winners: Bachmann, Santorum, Perry — and because they can take steam out of Gingrich and he demonstrated a superior temperament, Romney too was […]

Rick Santorum Will Score Upset Win in Tonight’s ‘Pivotal’ ABC Debate in Iowa

That’s not the headline on the ABC News story, of course: Only three weeks from the Iowa caucuses, the top Republican candidates will square off tonight at a pivotal debate in the state capital. The debate, hosted by ABC News and moderated by Diane Sawyer and George Stephanopoulos, starts at 9pm ET, live from Drake […]

SANTORUM EXPRESS SUNDAY: Criticizes Newt Gingrich During Appearance on ABC’s ‘This Week’ UPDATE: Complete Video Added

Current Republican presidential front-runner Newt Gingrich has put social issues in “the back of the bus,” his GOP rival Rick Santorum said Sunday in an appearance on ABC’s This Week. Asked by host Christianne Amanapour about Gingrich’s stand on “social values,” Santorum said: “I think Newt has consistently put those in, let’s say, the back […]

He’s an Expert on ‘Fools and Clowns’

“I have a structural hypothesis here. You have a Republican ideology, which Mitt Romney obviously doesn’t believe in. He just oozes insincerity, that’s just so obvious. But all of the others are fools and clowns. And there is a question here, my hypothesis is that maybe this is an ideology that only fools and clowns […]

VIDEO: ABC’s Jake Tapper Reports on Calista and the Newt 2012 Implosion

Watch this — it’s only about 2 minutes — and tell me if you see a way for Newt Gingrich to recover: Meanwhile, in Beverly Hills, California: “I will endure the challenges. I will carry the message of American renewal to every part of this great land,” Gingrich told a crowded ballroom at a Beverly […]

VIDEO: ‘Tipping Point’ for Weiner?

Here is last night’s ABC News report: Weiner’s stratagem — taking a leave of absence and seeking “treatment” — has the advantage of ensuring that he isn’t available to answer questions on Capitol Hill when Congress re-convenes on Monday. When Pelosi and other Democrats are asked about the scandal, all they have to say is, […]

Behind Blue Eyes

Ann Coulter was interviewed by ABC News, and Terry Moran introduced the segment this way: Simply put — a lot of people despise Ann Coulter, the conservative firebrand, because of her malevolent and acid rhetoric. Who are “a lot of people”? Liberals. And toward whom is Coulter’s rhetoric “malevolent”? Liberals. Keep in mind that Ann Coulter […]

Yub Nub!

Allahpundit had this creepy interview Anthony Weiner gave to ABC News last week: Interesting story by Radar Online and Star magazine: “Weiner Used Jewish Sexual Stereotype To Facebook Sexting Partner.” I’ve been busy the past few hours writing 1,300 words for Tuesday’s American Spectator, so I’ve lost track of what’s been happening online in the […]

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