The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

CBS News (Barely) Lets Catherine Herridge Report About the Biden Scandal

Having witnessed a few newsroom shouting matches in my day, I can see Catherine Herridge hurling her coffee cup and yelling expletives at whatever editor was responsible for this headline on her article: Comer says Wray confirmed existence of record reporting alleged Biden bribery scheme, which the White House strongly refutes Oh, they refuted it, […]

Brain-Damaged John Fetterman Gets ‘Democrat Helper’ Served by CBS News

The best way to understand how liberal media bias operates is to think of it as a heavy wind, blowing into the faces of Republicans — at least a 10-point disadvantage from this hostile headwind — while providing Democrats with an equally powerful tailwind. Everything Republicans do is made to seem wrong and scandalous, while […]

CBS News: White Males Are Heroes

What? The liberal media gives good publicity to Trump voters? A company that produces raw supplies for medical manufacturers has risen to the unprecedented challenges of the coronavirus pandemic. Not only did Braskem USA ramp up production of their much-needed materials, but the company also designated “live-in” teams who stayed and worked at their facilities […]

Big Trouble at the ‘Tiffany’ Network: Another ‘Get Woke, Go Broke’ Lesson?

  The top of the stack this morning at Drudge: TIMES UP FOR ’60 MINS’ CHIEF… CBSNEWS On-Cam Ambush Of Own Exec! Network Airs Disturbing Fager Text… Allegations of inappropriate conduct… Threats and Deception: Why Board Turned On Moonves…  The takedown of CBS boss Les Moonves was followed immediately by the takedown of 60 Minutes […]

CBS: ‘Hey, Benghazi Is a Real Scandal’

Here’s the headline at Legal Insurrection: 60 Minutes confirms Benghazi is a real scandal, and you’ve been lied to No surprise to anyone who has actually paid attention, of course, but the Obama administration and its media sycophants have spent months issuing excuses and manufacturing distractions — “Squirrel!” — in an effort to delay disclosure […]

Experience Matters: Old Man Schieffer Puts Young Punk Pfeiffer in His Place

“It looks like they’ve lost Bob Schieffer,” says John Hoge, which might be a slight exaggeration. Schieffer is a liberal, but he’s also a veteran Washington journalist who has seen enough scandals to know what a scandal looks like, and he was having none of the Jedi mind trick — “These are not the scandals […]

‘Arab Spring’ Update: Foreign News the Media Doesn’t Want to Ask Obama About

Kirsten Powers points out what was so obviously missing from Sunday’s 60 Minutes softball interview: Now, I’m sorry, is anyone paying attention to what’s going on in North Africa? Why is the president not asked about Algeria, Mali, Libya? These are front and center in the news right now. Indeed. Lots of news out there: […]

Ask Michele Bachmann About CBS News Political Director John Dickerson

There was a great uproar over John Dickerson’s column advising Barack Obama to “go for the throat” and “declare war” on Republicans, but it wasn’t as if there were no prior evidence of Dickerson’s biases. Remember the November 2011 debate in Spartanburg, S.C.? In an e-mail exchange, a network staffer informed CBS political analyst John Dickerson […]

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