The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

25 Years, Sexy Lady!

My beautiful wife and I got married 25 years ago today. Our wedding was at the Gordon County Courthouse in Calhoun, Georgia, with Probate Judge Johnny Parker presiding. I was making $275 a week as sports editor at the Calhoun Times and Lou Ann was working at Hardee’s. Two of my colleagues at the newspaper, […]

My Wife Is a Soldier’s Mom

Army son will be up at 4 a.m. Number 15 in his “chalk” at Airborne school — first man out of his plane in Monday’s first jump. — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) May 13, 2013 Today was Mother’s Day, and I realized I never got around to posting the photos of my Army son’s graduation […]

Patterico: ‘Certain Big Media Reporters Are Scared to Write About Kimberlin’

FROM AN UNDISCLOSED LOCATION When I read that sentence, it brought me up short. “Scared”? Is Patrick Frey referring to Jen Preston of the New York Times, whose coverage of the Anthony Weiner scandal was controversial? Brett Kimberlin’s online attack dog Neal Rauhauser has claimed to have a good relationship with Preston — he CC’d her in […]

Guess Who Kills Terrorists?

The United States Army Special Forces, that’s who! My 19-year-old son Bob called me yesterday here in the Undisclosed Location to tell me that he had scored 98 on his Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB). The recruiter told my son this high score qualifies him for any career field  in the Army, and Bob told the recruiter that he wants to […]

Misandry, Misogyny and Mrs. Romney

Ann Romney and her patriarchal oppressors, circa 1976 Cassandra at Villanous Company does her Alpha Female bitch-goddess workout on James Taranto, who had the temerity to offer a sympathetic view of young male existence in the post-feminist society: At the same time, there is good reason for males (men as well as boys) to be more […]

God Bless Lisa Graas

by Smitty God bless Lisa Graas. Go read all of the Catholic Bandita’s Ten Things [She] Learned About Stacy McCain: 3.) He’s liable to shout, in a crowded restaurant, “WTF?!?!?” if (actually “when”) Carl Cameron breaks into a Santorum speech and steals his thunder (intentionally?), and he is liable to shout in a manner loud […]

Happy Valentine’s Day to the (Totally HAWWT) Future Mrs. Steven Crowder

In the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; forbidding to marry . . . — I Timothy 4:1-3 (KJV) Steven Crowder gets some CPAC PDA from his fianceé, Hillary “My theory is […]

They Don’t Pay Extra for Tears

My 12-year-old son Jefferson with Herman Cain, July 17, 2011. Journalism is a cynical racket and if you can’t dismiss tragedy and suffering with a sarcastic joke, you don’t belong in a newsroom. Famine and wars, airplane crashes, disease, murder — horrible stuff happens to people every day, and your job is to turn it […]

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