The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Will Judge Grimm Accept ‘Futile’ Complaint by Brett Kimberlin?

Nearly two weeks have passed since I’ve updated readers on the proceedings in Brett Kimberlin’s federal RICO suit: U.S. District Judge Paul W. Grimm has been thrown onto the horns of a legal dilemma by the extraordinary procedural misconduct of pro se plaintiff Brett Kimberlin. As the attorney for Michelle Malkin and Twitchy has pointed […]

BREAKING: Neal Rauhauser Named as Defendant in @Bullyville Federal Lawsuit

Former Democrat political operative Neal Rauhauser has been named among the defendants in a federal lawsuit filed by the operator of the popular anti-bullying web site In the lawsuit, McGibney v. Retzlaff, Bullyville founder James McGibney says his business was harmed as a result of online smears and harassment conducted by a Texas man, […]

‘An Honest Mistake?’ Has Brett Kimberlin Ever Done Anything ‘Honest’ in His Life?

U.S. District Judge Paul W. Grimm has been thrown onto the horns of a legal dilemma by the extraordinary procedural misconduct of pro se plaintiff Brett Kimberlin. As the attorney for Michelle Malkin and Twitchy has pointed out, this is unprecedented: Mr. Kimberlin’s conduct has taken this Court into uncharted waters. Twitchy’s research has not […]

Brett Kimberlin and ‘False Narratives’

‘Speedway Bomber’ Brett Kimberlin was sentenced to 50 years in 1981 “Brett C. Kimberlin schemed to elude justice with a series of bizarre plots designed to murder, maim and rob his enemies, create havoc at Speedway and discredit the chief government prosecutor. “These plots occurred as lawmen followed the trail of the man who terrorized […]

The Bildebergers and Freemasons Haven’t Been Named as Defendants, Yet

Brett Kimberlin has filed his “Second Amended Complaint” in the federal RICO suit against myself and 20-odd other defendants. I’ll discuss it more at length later, but to give you just a hint of the insane desperation in evidence, Kimberlin has expanded his conspiracy theory to include HB Gary and “Team Themis.” If those names […]

Kevin Zeese, Neal Rauhauser and the ‘Occupy Infiltrator’ Frame-Up

The first “SWATting” generally mentioned in connection with Brett Kimberlin involved a man who had never heard of Kimberlin at the time. Mike Stack of New Jersey was targeted in June 2011 because of his connection to exposing the “WeinerGate” scandal: Neal Rauhauser’s involvement with Brett Kimberlin apparently began in 2011. In February [2012], Rauhauser […]

Flashback: Kevin Zeese’s May 2012 Lawsuit Threat Against Ali Akbar

One curious fact about Brett Kimberlin’s state and federal lawsuits is that in neither complaint does Kimberlin so much as mention Velvet Revolution US, the 501(c)4 group he formed with Brad Friedman. Nevertheless, it was the activities of Velvet Revolution US — specifically its July 2010 demand for prosecution of James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles […]

Why Would Brett Kimberlin Threaten to Sue the American Spectator?

For publishing the truth: Perhaps the most shocking element of Kimberlin’s 1978 bombing spree was that authorities believed it was an attempt to distract police investigating the murder of a 65-year-old grandmother, Julia Scyphers. As [Joe] Gelarden reported in a 1981 [Indianapolis Star] article, Scyphers had become concerned about her daughter Sandra Barton’s involvement with […]

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