The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Jennifer Emick Profiles Neal Rauhauser

(NOTE: When I first began reporting on “The Kimberlin Files” in May, the involvement of Democrat consultant Neal Rauhauser struck me as particularly newsworthy. Rauhauser gained notoriety for his involvement in the 2010 “TwitterGate” episode, and the report that Rauhauser was involved in Brett Kimberlin’s harassment of Aaron Walker indicated a potential link between Kimberlin’s activities […]

Neal Rauhauser, Fugitive?

Mike Stack was the original target of “SWATting” in the wake of the Anthony Weiner scandal. Stack’s Twitter contact with the mysterious “Dan Wolfe” made him a target, and he has subsequently become the focus of Neal Rauhauser’s persistent obsessive interest. Stack ultimately filed harassment charges against Rauhauser, but was persuaded to submit the case […]

Is ‘Jailhouse Lawyer’ Brett Kimberlin Heading to Grief in Virginia Case?

Those who have read Mark Singer’s 1994 book Citizen K: The Deeply Weird American Journey of Brett Kimberlin, know that while Kimberlin was imprisoned for his 1978 Indiana bombing spree, he became an adept “jailhouse lawyer,” who filed more than 100 legal actions on his own behalf, while also providing quasi-lawyerly assistance to some of […]

Your Honor, May I Direct the Court’s Attention to Exhibit J, Please?
UPDATE: Who Is ‘Forced to Engage’?

Brett Kimberlin could have been sentenced to 230 years in federal prison In the case of Walker v. Kimberlin, Exhibit J is an e-mail that Brett Kimberlin, acting as his own lawyer, sent to Aaron Walker’s attorney Dan Backer, stating in part: I don’t know what kind of litigation you think this is but I […]

Neal Rauhauser, Who Drove Barrett Brown Off the Deep End, Continues Unrelenting Harassment of His Targets

Neal Rauhauser was a speaker at the 2010 Netroots Nation conference “There’s nothing stopping them. They feel like they have the right to do anything they want to anyone who gets in their way.” – Jennifer Emick, describing the online savagery she’s experienced since exposing “Anonymous” When last we took note of Brett Kimberlin’s evil […]

‘Someone Trying to Breathe Life into a Three-Year Old Dead Horse’

Thus does John Fund dismiss an attempt by Nadia Naffe to create controversy around James O’Keefe III over a planned “sting” video that never happened, as embarrassing as the details may be. O’Keefe, as you certainly know, is the young activist who became famous for his collaboration with Hannah Giles in the 2009 undercover videos […]

The Best Revenge: Ohio-Bound

By the time you read this, I should be within a couple hours of Lima, Ohio, where Paul Ryan is due for a 2:30 p.m. rally. Right now — as I’m writing this — it’s about 2 a.m. and I’m awaiting my ride while laughing at the latest ridiculousness from Neal Rauhauser: McCain has never […]

Neal Rauhauser’s Crazy-Evil Obsession

Neal Rauhauser was a speaker at the 2010 Netroots Nation conference “I’ve been all over Patterico for the last several weeks, as he looks to be a pretty good candidate for the planner/operator behind Weinergate . . .” — Neal Rauhauser (“Stranded Wind”), Daily Kos, “Weinergate Perps Pay Dearly,”July 27, 2011 “Frey is often at […]

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