The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

HELP! #SaveNYCHorseCarriages Campaign Fights Mayor to Save Jobs

The new mayor's NYC….typical politician that doesn't care about individuals. #deBlasio #SaveNYCHorseCarriages — BECAZ (@becaz) January 5, 2014 Earlier today I talked about how Mayor Bill de Blasio’s agenda will turn New York City into a squalid nightmare. He has chosen an odd starting spot for his effort to destroy the city’s economy: About 200 people […]

De Blasio Plans to Destroy New York City: ‘We Won’t Wait. We’ll Do It Now.’

“A dystopia straight out of Snake Plissken’s worst nightmares.” Steve Sailer is so politically incorrect that you’re never supposed to acknowledge his existence, lest you become radioactive yourself. While I’ve forgotten what specific transgression put Sailer into the Toxic Zone, I vaguely recall it had something to do with seriously attempting to apply The Bell […]

ObamaCare: Death Panels for the DCCC

Democrat 2014 campaign slogan: "Now That We Totally Fucked Up Your Health Insurance, Give Us a Chance to Fuck Up Everything Else, Too." — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) November 14, 2013 Oh, what a difference a week can make! After the unfortunate result in the Virginia gubernatorial election, liberal pundits (and some Republicans) were declaring […]

‘Your Behavior Is Deviant,’ Jewish Voter Tells Disgraced Anthony Weiner

The Yiddish phrase a shanda fur die goyim comes to mind in watching this yamulke-wearing Jewish man confront nationally famous pervert Anthony Weiner at a deli in Brooklyn: To disgrace the tribe, to bring shame on Israel, is not acceptable: “You talk to God and work out your problems, but stay out of the public […]

Kaitlyn Hunt’s Big Gay Pride Day: Is ‘Jailbait Rights’ Now Mainstream?

The Hunt family continued their campaign to make their 18-year-old daughter America’s Most Famous Sex Offender™ by taking her to New York for Sunday’s 44th annual Gay Pride Parade. Because defending Kate’s right to have gay sex with 14-year-olds isn’t all about lawyers and petitions, you know. It’s also about marching in parades and sightseeing in […]

Neo-Pagans Taking Over GOP?

Liberals have spent decades warning that Christian conservatives were attempting to use the Republican Party as a vehicle to impose their theocratic beliefs on America, I guess that’s why nobody was looking when the Wiccans, Druids and Odinists took over: A New York City councilman who was arrested Tuesday in an alleged plot to rig […]

New York’s ‘Show-Me-the-Money Culture’ Produces Bizarre Bribery Scandal

Reporting it at ViralRead: A New York state senator and a city councilman from Queens were arrested today in what federal officials say was an illegal scheme to rig this year’s election for mayor of New York City. The FBI arrested both state Sen. Malcolm Smith and city Councilman Dan Halloran for their roles in an […]

Mayor Bloomberg’s Sexy Teen App

New Yorkers are so sophisticated, aren’t they? The Bloomberg administration has launched an app intended to reduce teen pregnancy called “Teens in NYC Protection+” that provides a wealth of health data for kids who are — or are thinking about becoming — sexually active, The Post has learned. Information about everything from free clinics for […]

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