Republican Buerkle Leads by 567 Votes in NY-25; Still No Concession From Maffei; UPDATE: Buerkle Campaign Says, ‘We Need to Allow the Process to Proceed’
The incumbent Democrat appears to have been defeated, according to the Syracuse Post-Standard: Republican Ann Marie Buerkle holds a 567-vote lead over U.S. Rep. Dan Maffei in the 25th Congressional District race after Wayne County election officials released their unofficial tally of absentee votes today. Buerkle added 269 votes to her lead after getting 790 […]
Ann Marie Buerkle Win in NY-25 Would Give GOP Biggest Majority Since 1949
As noted in my last update about Renee Ellmers’ victory in NC-2, Republicans are now at 240 House seats and they haven’t had 241 seats since 1949. And Sam Foster at Left Coast Rebel reports that Ann Marie Buerkle is 411 votes ahead of Dan Maffei in NY-25 after the count of absentee ballots from […]
Remember When Nancy Pelosi Promised Democrats Were Going to Clean Up the ‘Culture of Corruption’ in Washington?
Charlie Rangel: Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! And now he’s going to get a very serious wrist-slapping: The House ethics committee’s chief counsel recommended Thursday that veteran Rep. Charles Rangel be censured for financial and fundraising misconduct as lawmakers neared closure on an embarrassing 2½-year-long scandal. . . . Rangel on Tuesday was found guilty of 11 […]
Go, Randy Altschuler, GO! And A Loud ‘Keep The Faith’ For Joe Miller!
by Smitty This blog has been a fan of Altschuler in NY-1 since CPAC 2010. The latest word is that he has assumed a tiny lead: Rob Ryan, a spokesman for the Altschuler campaign, said Friday that the Republican candidate now has a 392 vote advantage. But it will likely take at least a week […]
Doug Hoffman’s Legacy in 2010 Victories
DAYTONA BEACH SHORES, Fla. — During the Allen West victory party Tuesday night, I stepped outside for a few moments and made a phone call to upstate New York to interview the man whose 2009 special-election campaign did so much to inspire grassroots conservatives nationwide. (See “Battle Cry in the North Country.”) It was just […]
Miracle Comeback: Ann Marie Buerkle Now Has Slim Lead in NY-25
Oh, my goodness. This was a Republican candidate I covered during my road trip with Da Tech Guy, but I’d written off this district as lost last night. Incumbent Democrat Rep. Dan Maffei had already declared victory. But today Left Coast Rebel proclaimed the good news: Ann Marie Buerkle has come back to a 659-vote lead, thanks to late returns […]
Ann Marie Buerkle Answers Dishonest Attack Ads From Democrat Dan Maffei
Reporting the latest NY-25 news at The American Spectator: Republican congressional candidate Ann Marie Buerkle today rebutted attack ads from Democrat incumbent Rep. Dan Maffei that accused Buerkle of being delinquent on property taxes. “I’ve spent the past several weeks suffering from the negative ads of my opponent,” Buerkle said at a press conference in […]
‘Scared,’ Mr. President?
“Part of the reason that our politics seems so tough right now, and facts and science and argument do not seem to be winning the day all the time, is because we’re hard-wired not to always think clearly when we’re scared. And the country is scared.” — President Barack Obama DeWITT, N.Y. — So Obama’s […]
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