The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Retarded Asian Woman Challenges Fake Indian for Title of ‘Worst Senator Ever’

Posted on | January 15, 2025 | Comments Off on Retarded Asian Woman Challenges Fake Indian for Title of ‘Worst Senator Ever’

There may be dumber people in the Senate than Mazie Hirono, but I’m having trouble naming one after the Hawaii Democrat’s absurd questions to Pete Hegseth during Monday’s confirmation hearing:

MAZIE HIRONO: “Would you carry out an order from President Trump to seize Greenland, a territory of our NATO ally Denmark, by force, or would you comply with an order to take over the Panama Canal?”
HEGSETH: “Senator, I will emphasize that President Trump received 77 million votes to be the lawful commander.”
HIRONO: “We’re not talking about the election. My question is, would you use our military to take over Greenland or an ally of Denmark?”
HEGSETH: “Senator, one of the things that President Trump is so good at is never strategically tipping his hand. And so I would never in this public forum give one way or another direct what orders the president gives in any context.”
HIRONO: “It sounds to me that you would contemplate carrying out such an order to basically invade Greenland and the Panama Canal.”

These are the important issues for Democcrats, see? Instead of talking about readiness, recruiting, equipment shortages or any of the other actual issues affecting the Department of Defense, Mazie Hirono wants to keep campaigning against Donald Trump, with this silly sound-bite stuff about Greenland and the Panama Canal. The fact that voters in Hawaii consider Hirono qualified to serve in the Senate tells you that Hawaii is full of very bad people, perhaps even worse than the people of Massachusetts who elected notorious fraud Elizabeth Warren.

Simple question: Was there ever any chance that Elizabeth Warren would have voted to confirm Pete Hegseth? Is there any other Democrat on the Armed Services Committee who was ever likely to vote in Hegseth’s favor? I think not. In fact, I wish someone would research whether Elizabeth Warren has ever voted to confirm anyone — Cabinet member, judicial nominee, whatever — appointed by Donald Trump. Because I feel pretty certain she was always a reliable “no” vote on confirmations during Trump’s first term, and her elaborate Kabuki performance of outrage in Tuesday’s hearing was just that — a performance, a melodrama staged for theatrical effect. What cannot be overlooked about Warren is her fundamental dishonesty, exemplified by how she gamed the system by claiming to be Cherokee and thus qualifying for affirmation action benefits at Harvard University. The people who elected this vicious fraud to the Senate should be ashamed of themselves, but if they had any sense of shame they wouldn’t be Democrats, would they?


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