The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Herman Cain, R.I.P.

  My brother Kirby took that photo of Herman Cain when we visited the studios of WSB radio in Atlanta. Mr. Cain had just returned to the airwaves after surviving a serious battle with cancer, and I’d traveled down to interview him for The Washington Times. That was not long after I’d been smeared as […]

John Hawkins Interviews Herman Cain

Herman Cain sees the bright side of his recent experiences: At the colleges and the universities, it’s standing room only in these auditoriums with these college students which is very, very inspiring — and they are paying attention. They have awakened to the hypocrisy of this administration.  But I plan to continue to stay focused on […]

Herman Cain Concept Ad. . .Whoa

by Smitty Small business as a cuddly animal given the medieval treatment? Sick of Stimulus is intended as an economic statement, but one is left to wonder: is the catapult a subtle DoD remark?

Sick Of Stimulus

by Smitty Update: the clip was worth the wait: Stacy is in transit to come home as I write this. He mentioned a conference call with Herman Cain this morning, wherein a new project, Sick of Stimulus was touted. In a recent blog post, “Stimulus is killing us” the Herminator said: Why doesn’t economic stimulus […]

Fear and Loathing in Romneyland

Herman Cain tour bus at the American Polish Cultural Center in Troy, Michigan, Thursday, Feb. 23, 2012 WASHINGTON, Michigan Shortly after I arrived at Rick Santorum’s Michigan state headquarters in Troy yesterday evening, I was talking to one of his campaign workers, Joe Cella, when a volunteer walked in and said, “Hey, Herman Cain’s doing […]

Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 Goes Worldwide: Meets With Japanese Tea Party Leaders

Left to right: Yuya Watase of the Tokyo Tea Party and Jikido “Jay” Aeba of HRP wait while Herman Cain listens to translator Yuki Oikana. WASHINGTON, D.C. Yesterday afternoon I got a phone call from one of Herman Cain’s aides, asking if I could attend a meeting at 5 p.m. Well, sure, of course, but […]

Herman Cain Endorses Newt Gingrich

NAPLES, Fla. Does anyone else remember — because I do — how the Perrybots used to claim that anyone who supported Herman Cain was, in effect, supporting Mitt Romney? I even had friends who supported Perry tell me that Cain wasn’t “really” running for president but was aiming for a Cabinet position in a future […]


by Smitty I thought that BHO’s third SOTU installment worked best as humorless stand-up. In between victory laps for ventilating Osama, Obama basically said nothing, with a few breaks to blame Buuuuush. The GOP response in an Indiana war memorial was better, but not as much as it should have been. Mitch Daniels was basically […]

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