The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Rand Paul Is Not Stupid

“Turn the camera around,” as Andrew Breitbart said. Make the media’s bias the subject of discussion. Rand Paul did it right today: Rand Paul says he doesn’t want to be grilled about abortion until Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz answers similarly tough questions. . . . Paul, the Kentucky Republican senator who launched […]

Senator Rand Paul Lays It Down Like Every Republican Should

by Smitty The GOP should be firmly on #OccupyResoluteDesk’s sad little case just like this, 24/7/365: @4:36 “This is the emotionalism that’s always used to argue against any cuts.” Paul invites the question: just why are the bulk of other elected Republicans not stepping up to the plate? via The Examiner Update: Geraghty at NRO: […]

Fiscal-Cliff Kabuki Nears Final Scene UPDATE: House GOP Wants More Spending Cuts Before Final Vote

Excuse my failure to comment previously on the Glorious Passage of the Great Compromise in the Senate, but I’ve been working on an American Spectator column about this shameful travesty while waiting to see what the House does. Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer and other House Democrats just gave a press conference demanding an up-or-down vote on the […]

Two Reasons VP Rand Paul Isn’t A Bad Idea

by Smitty Bill Quick floats an intriguing question: So, tell me….would putting Rand Paul on his ticket as Veep make Mittens Romneycare more attractive to you? Why? As a preliminary note, The Catholic Bandita was attacked rather heavily by Ron/Rand supporters. I hope we can all get along better going down the road, and she […]

Half A Million $ Back To The Treasury?

by Smitty Who is this Rand Paul guy, and why is he violating the Iron Law of Bureaucracy? The half million dollars represents about 16 percent of Paul’s annual budget. He contended no senator had returned as much to taxpayers, though at least two senators disputed that claim. An aide to Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.) […]

Rush: ‘Cut To The Chase,’ a Tea Party Rallying Cry

by Smitty After about a half-hour outage, the network pipe seemed stable enough to grab some tuneage off of Amazon. Rush’s 1993 Counterparts has this essential cut. No matter how deep the rot revealed inside the Beltway, there just isn’t any excuse to give in to despair. You may be right, It’s all a waste […]

Sir Andrew of Rubesville

No sooner does Kevin Drum claim ownership of his gullibility — one tenable option for Obama’s anti-war leftist supporters — than Andrew Sullivan mounts his high horse in protest: Many of us supported this president because he promised to bring back the constitutional balance after the theories of Yoo, Delahunty, et al put the president […]