The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Texas Democrats vs. the Rule of Law

Even a liberal like Jonathan Chait can see it: They say a prosecutor could get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich, and this always seemed like hyperbole, until Friday night a Texas grand jury announced an indictment of governor Rick Perry. The “crime” for which Perry faces a sentence of 5 to 99 […]

Paranoid Theory: ‘Karl Rove Was Out Raising Money to Keep Santorum Alive’

James Yanke at Reaganite Republican links to an article at Business Insider in which Grace Wyler gives credence to a paranoid theory offered by evangelical leader David Lane: Karl stepped on Rick Perry and then Newt Gingrich every chance he got — albeit with deceit and sophistication — and elevated Mitt Romney at strategic, crucial […]

The Phantom Menace, Remembered

Perry campaign volunteers, Des Moines, Iowa, Aug. 9, 2011 “He surfed into the race on a tsunami wave of overconfidence, his campaign led by a bunch of cutthroat a–holes who had just finished sabotaging Newt Gingrich. “They convinced a lot of people . . . to climb aboard The Smilin’ Texan Express for a one-way […]

Jeff Goldstein Isn’t Ready to Don His Saffron Robe and Chant, ‘Hare Mitt-nu’

“Mother, do not wonder that my loyalty is growing weak. . . . I am sick and tired of the disaster and the fools that bring disaster upon us.” — letter from a soldier in the 79th New York Infantry, 1863 Seedubya today was cracking cynical jests on Twitter, whence I derived the headline joke. Speaking […]

A Couple Things Wrong, Jim Antle

Jim Antle of the American Spectator gets almost everything right in this column about the 2012 campaign. His two most glaring errors: Yet if Santorum had done just a bit better in Michigan and Ohio, we could be having a very different discussion right now. Santorum showed future conservative contenders how to go hunting where […]

Ain’t I Done Told Ya So?

Perhaps you remember this Sept. 23 headline: Does Pain Explain Perry’s Poor Debate Performances? Once more, I give credit to Brian Ledbetter of Snapped Shots for the e-mail tip alerting me that Rick Perry had undergone back surgery in July, thus permitting me to become the first national journalist to suggest that there might be […]

Why Does DC Fund TX?

by Smitty Tina Korbe at HotAir on Rick Perry: Incidentally, this is one of the things I most respect about Rick Perry: He is willing to forgo federal funds, recognizing that federal dollars always come with strings attached. In the chronic case, are not the 57 states the horse, and the federal government the cart? […]

Sources Close to Christina Hendricks Could Not Be Reached for Comment

When you’re seeking a metaphor for “no chance in hell,” certain impossible scenarios immediately come to mind, which was what I was aiming for in my American Spectator column today: Monday, Carl Cameron of Fox News was the vehicle by which “sources close to the Gingrich campaign” floated a trial balloon, suggesting that former House […]

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