The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The 100 Days Night

by Smitty July 26, 2010, T-Mac and Elliot Engel of NY. This is a couple of party hacks swapping talking points. After the initial pawn push in the opening half, the middle of the clip threatens to warm up, especially when the Fox head holds up the popularity of the POTUS to the ‘Bush did […]

‘Build The Party, Trust The People,
Save The Country’–McCotter At SRLC

by Smitty Thaddeus McCotter is heroic. He starts off with an “simple country lawyer” reference, going back to Anatomy of a Murder, and continues through a rousing speech with punchline sufficiently arid for Steven Wright. Thaddeus McCotter: because not all rhetoric has to be served in ALL CAPS with a shot of adrenaline. Update: Moelanche!

How About That Rep. Thaddeus McCotter?

by Smitty Thaddeus McCotter appeared on PJTV, in a welcome outburst of sanity from within the beltway. Topics proffered include: Teleprompter Fatigue–recap of his house speech, looking forward to the ‘next’ American economy. Wealth redistribution. A Government that Doesn’t Patronize–he offers biographical facts derived from growing up as the son of a Truman Democrat. Back […]

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