Sandy Goodman Thinks The BP Squeeze Was Not ‘Fascism-Fascism’
by Smitty Sandy Goodman at the Puffington Host generates a truly useful idiocy in attacking another useful idiot, David Brooks, for his PBS NewsHour appearance Friday night. At issue is whether the Joe Barton apology can be seen as standing up for the rule of law. Goodman: Those laws, Brooks reminded us, protect the unpopular […]
Get Some! Get Some!
by Smitty (h/t House of Eratosthenes) A fine campaign ad: Begs a Full Metal Jacket paraphrase: Private Joker: How can you eliminate Progressives? Door Gunner: Easy! Ya just don’t lead ’em so much! Ain’t Keynesian economics hell?
Liberal Decides It’s OK to Hint Politicians May Be Hiding Their ‘True’ Religion
No, not Barack Obama. Nikki Haley: By no means am I questioning their right to convert or their sincerity. . . . I think, instead, that if Haley felt compelled to revise her campaign materials this way, it says a lot about what’s still acceptable to the voters she’s courting. Neela Bannerjee at Slate scrupulously […]
Let’s See If We Can Clear That Up For Dr. Krauthammer
by Smitty Dr. Krauthammer, via The Corner, emphasis mine. On Mexican President Felipe Calderon’s criticism of the Arizona immigration law: Well, I’m sort of offended when the president of Mexico says, criticizing the Arizona law: ‘It’s placing our people in the face of discrimination.’ If they’re his people, what are they doing in the United […]
‘You Can’t Just Build a New Bridge’
The advocates of Hope and Change experience one of those Pogo moments — “We have met the enemy, and he is us” — as Harold Meyerson explains: There are complex reasons why we have not built 21st-century versions of [Depression-era] job programs. . . . The real problem . . . is that some programs […]
Following Up On Thoughtful Remarks From wallamaarif
by Smitty Commenter wallamaarif offers comments #17 and #20 on Get Stuffed, Alan Colmes that merit examination. Before delving into details, let’s note that the overwhelming bulk of human history, and, indeed, the contemporary situation, has featured unrepresentative regimes. For example, the 2007 Treaty of Lisbon does a fine job of kicking European representative democracy […]
Who Is Rachel Tabachnick, and Why Is She Attacking Phyllis Chesler?
This may be a more important question than it appears at first glance, because you may not know who Phyllis Chesler is, and you’ve almost certainly never heard of Rachel Tabachnick. But there is a mystery afoot, so follow the clues, Scooby-Doo. First things first: Phyllis Chesler is an important feminist author who, after 9/11, […]
Rant Alert: Elena Kagan Should Be Given A Broom And Instructed To Do Something Useful
by Smitty Stacy may be setting up a google bomb based upon Elena Kagan’s after-hours interests. $3.50 and my interest in the sexuality of others (modulo my wife) will get you a beverage at Starbucks. I wouldn’t even afford Kagan the notice of an Uncle Jimbo cheap shot. This Newsmax article understates the source of […]
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