Family Demands Answers
Whenever police kill a black criminal, it is now predictable — as night follows day — that the media will run a story about how the family of the deceased suspect “demands answers” about the shooting. Generally speaking, there will be a “civil rights” lawyer at the press conference, and there will eventually be a […]
The ‘Nationalist’ Kafkatrap
Earlier today, I took note of how the “extremist” label is being used by the media to smear all opposition to the Biden administration, as a pretext for silencing all criticism of the Biden administration. And as I noted, this accusation of “extremism” is a Kafkatrap — a sort of circular argument, whereby denying guilt […]
Sports News From Wokeville, USA
What do NFL players think their anti-white message will produce? Because to accuse someone of thinking in stereotypes is a deliberate insult. What such an accusation really means is, “You are ignorant. You are morally and intellectually inferior, and therefore in need of tutelage.” NFL players are saying this to their own audience. They are […]
Democrats and the Media (But I Repeat Myself) Are Trying to Destroy America
Yesterday, Ace of Spades linked to an essay that included this: Starting in the second decade of the 1900s, certain Communists began seeing in modernism a potential advertisement for the values of a mass society of industrial workers laboring under the direction of a small group of engineers. In other words, this aesthetic — which […]
‘Stolen Land’ and Fake Numbers: How SJWs Invented a ‘Genocide’ Myth
In 1998, University of Wisconsin historian David Henige published Numbers from Nowhere: The American Indian Contact Population Debate, in which he examined how, during the late 20th century, academics began arguing that the indigenous population of the Western hemisphere before the arrival of Europeans was much larger than previously estimated. This origins of this argument […]
Skepticism and Silence: ‘Cancel Culture’ and America’s Growing Political Crisis
One of the things that separates 21st-century Americans from previous generations is a loss of liberty that few acknowledge. In particular, Americans have abandoned their First Amendment right to express their opinions, due to fear of what has become known as “cancel culture.” Consider, for example, how one-sided the public discussion has been about removing […]
Raphael Warnock: Dindu Nuffin
It is arguably racist to invoke the “dindu nuffin” meme here, but because Raphael Warnock is a Democrat running for Senate, any criticism of him is therefore automatically racist, so it doesn’t matter. It’s probably just a matter of time until we are told Warnock could not possibly have abused his ex-wife because he was […]
The Planners and Their Plans
If you are my age, the very mention of Chicago’s Cabrini-Green housing project calls to mind memories of how liberalism’s “War on Poverty” ultimately ended in catastrophic defeat: At its peak, Cabrini-Green was home to 15,000 people, mostly living in mid- and high-rise apartment buildings, totaling 3,607 units. Over the years, crime and neglect created […]
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