Fat, Black, Queer and ANGRY!
Ashleigh Shackelford (@ashleighthelion on Twitter) has described herself as “a queer, nonbinary Black fat femme writer,” complaining in 2016 she was “always scripted as the angry Black bitch” in her “organizing spaces.” As a one-woman embodiment of the identity politics that now defines the Democrat Party, Ms. Shackelford has few rivals, which may […]
Joe Biden’s Slow-Motion Implosion
Viewers of Wednesday’s climate-change “town hall” on CNN witnessed former Vice President Joe Biden suffer a hemorrhage in his left eye: Former Vice President Joe Biden appeared to have a blood vessel burst in his left eye while participating in CNN’s town hall on climate change. A broken blood vessel in the eye, also […]
‘Special Needs’: Autistic Neo-Nazi Killers
The first thing you need to know about Nicholas Giampa — besides the fact that he murdered two people — is that he had been diagnosed with autism, depression and a social anxiety disorder, according to his mother. From an early age, Giampa was “troubled,” and was a target of bullying. He attended five […]
CNN Panelist: ‘The Greatest Terrorist Threat in This Country Is White Men’
The obscure cable channel strikes again: A Monday night “Cuomo Prime Time” segment went completely off the rails after CNN commentator Angela Rye took issue with a GOP campaign strategist’s “interesting word choice” after the strategist said that two Muslim Democratic Reps. had “hijacked” the Democratic Party. The night’s “The Great Debate” segment featured […]
Feminist Mom: ‘Memes Are Turning Teenage Boys Into White Supremacists!’
MORROW COUNTY, Ohio Saturday morning, we were driving across West Virginia, and my wife asked me to find some Christian music on the radio. So I’m searching down on the low end of the FM bandwidth — between 88 and 92, where such stations are usually found — and I come across an NPR […]
UPDATE: Max Boot Is Still an Idiot
Monday, I noticed an unexplained surge of traffic to my April 14 post with the simple title “Max Boot Is an Idiot,” in which I described the Trump-hating former Wall Street Journal writer as “one of the most overrated neocon gasbags in Washington.” What could have caused this increase of interest in Max Boot’s […]
Biden Says What Liberals Really Think
Wealthy liberals pretend to believe in “equality,” even while they scheme ways to get their kids into Harvard, knowing that attending an elite university is the only way to obtain the kind of credentials and social connections necessary to membership in their club. This is why they have such contempt for working-class people, and […]
‘Ourselves and Our Posterity’
The comments on my post yesterday about “oikophobia” blew up after it was linked by Vox Day — thanks! — and some of the new commenters took the conversation in directions I had not anticipated. Vox made his point simply: “The Dirt isn’t Magic. Neither is the Paper.” Magic Dirt Theory, the ludicrous idea that […]
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