The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Anarchy in Baltimore

What happened Monday night in Baltimore, the Economist reported, “is perhaps best described not as a riot but as anarchy”: Though there are police lines, there are few protesters or people fighting the police or hurling stones. Indeed, where the police are lined up, the people standing around are mostly taking photos on their phones. […]

British Student’s Message for White Males: ‘It Is Time for You to Bow Down’

The Independent, a left-wing British newspaper, published an anonymous student’s diatribe about “injustice” at universities: ‘White men should never hold elected positions in British universities again’ University is supposed to be amazing, a transformative experience which is informed by student unions across the country. Yet people don’t give a toss about their student unions, no […]

Can We Make #FactsMatter Trend?

Jonathan Capehart (@capehartj) confronts #Ferguson truth: [T]he Justice Department released two must-read investigations connected to the killing of Brown that filled in blanks, corrected the record and brought sunlight to dark places by revealing ugly practices that institutionalized racism and hardship. They have also forced me to deal with two uncomfortable truths: Brown never surrendered […]

The Riot Ideology in Ferguson

Ginning up racial strife is bad for business: Fusion, a Website that’s an, err fusion between Univision and ABC/Disney is shocked that Ferguson real estate prices are “Down nearly 50 percent since Michael Brown’s death.” There’s more than a hint of bias in that subhead, as the cause wasn’t Brown’s death after he slugged a […]

Band Idea: The Alpha Epsilon Stigma

by Smitty Let’s just add our voices to the ‘duh’ chorus for Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Hopefully the rank stupidity of a song invoking the Bigger Digger Trigger will lead to a general purging of all such moronic material from two centuries ago. We want to flatter ourselves that these United States got past this trash; […]

Ferguson Update: Three Questioned After Shooting of Two Police Officers

We reported this morning that two police officers were shot in downtown Ferguson, Missouri. The investigation into that shooting led to what police called a “tactical situation” at a home in Ferguson. KTVI reports: Police swarmed a house in Ferguson, just four blocks from the Ferguson Police Department, where the shooting took place ,according to […]

Two Cops Shot in Ferguson

Months of anti-police agitation produce the expected consequences: Two police officers were hit by gunfire early Thursday outside the Ferguson police department. The shots were fired just after midnight as police were confronting protesters who had gathered outside the police station. St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar said one officer was with his department […]

The United Hates of America

We’re more than six years into the Obama Age — “Hope! Change!” — and everybody hates everybody now: The Associated Students of University of California, Irvine (ASUCI) voted Tuesday to remove all flags, including American flags, from an inclusive space on campus because of their offensive nature. The bill, R50-70, was authored by Social Ecology […]

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